Word Knowledge Prefix

  1. a-, an-
    • - without
    • - Ex: amoral, anaerobic
  2. ante-
    • - before
    • - Ex: antedate (to be of older date than), antechamber (waiting room)
  3. anti-
    • - against, opposing
    • - Ex: antipollution, antipathy.
  4. auto-
    • - self
    • - Ex: autobiography, autopilot
  5. bene-
    • - good or well
    • - Ex: beneficial, benediction (an utterance of good wishes)
  6. bi-
    • - two
    • - Ex: bicycle, bipolar
  7. cen-
    • - hundred, hundredth
    • - Ex: century, centimeter
  8. circum-
    • - around
    • - Ex: circumnavigate, circumvent (to go around or bypass)
  9. co-
    • - together, with
    • - Ex: coauthor, copilot
  10. com-
    • - bring together
    • - Ex: complete, compile
  11. contra-
    • - against
    • - Ex: contradict, contraband (goods imported or exported illegally)
  12. counter-
    • - opposite, against
    • - Ex: counterclockwise, counterterrorism
  13. de-
    • - away from, down, undoing
    • - Ex: deactivate, detract
  14. dis-
    • - the opposite, undoing
    • - Ex: disagree, disarm
  15. ex-
    • - out of, away from
    • - Ex: exhale, expropriate (to dispossess (a person) of ownership)
  16. hetero-
    • - different
    • - Ex: heterogeneous, heterodox (not in accordance with established)
  17. homo-
    • - same
    • - Ex: homogenized, homonym
  18. hyper-
    • - above, excessive
    • - Ex: hyperactive, hypertension
  19. il-/in-/ir-
    • - not
    • - Ex: illiquid, inaudible, irregular
  20. inter-
    • - between
    • - Ex: intercontinental, interject
  21. intra-
    • - within
    • - Ex: intramural, intranet
  22. mal-
    • - bad or ill
    • - Ex: maladjusted, malevolent (wishing evil or harm to another)
  23. micro-
    • - small
    • - Ex: microbiology, microscope
  24. milli-
    • - thousand
    • - Ex: millennium, millisecond
  25. mis-
    • - bad, wrong
    • - Ex: misbehave, misunderstand
  26. mono-
    • - one
    • - Ex: monosyllable, monorail
  27. neo-
    • - new
    • - Ex: neoclassical, neophyte (a beginner or novice)
  28. non-
    • - not
    • - Ex: nonessential, nonconformist
  29. paleo-
    • - old, ancient
    • - Ex: paleontology, paleobiology
  30. pan-
    • - all, all over
    • - Ex: pandemic, panorama
  31. poly-
    • - many
    • - Ex: polygon, polynomial
  32. post-
    • - after, behind
    • - Ex: postpone, postnasal
  33. pre-
    • - before
    • - Ex: preview, premeditate
  34. pro-
    • - forward, before, in favor of
    • - Ex: promote, projection
  35. re-
    • - back, again
    • - Ex: rewrite, retract (to draw back or in)
  36. retro-
    • - backward
    • - Ex: retrofit, retroactive
  37. semi-
    • - half
    • - Ex: semiannual, semifinal
  38. sub-
    • - under, below
    • - Ex: submarine, subway
  39. super-
    • - above, over
    • - Ex: supersede (to succeed to the position), supervise
  40. sym-/syn-
    • - together, at the same time
    • - Ex: symbiosis, synchronize
  41. tele-
    • - from a distance
    • - Ex: telecommute, telemetry (to transmit)
  42. therm-
    • - heat
    • - Ex: thermal, thermometer
  43. tor-
    • - twist
    • - Ex: torsion, contort (to become twisted, distorted)
  44. trans-
    • - across
    • - Ex: transcontinental, transatlantic
  45. un-
    • - not
    • - Ex: unannounced, unoticed
  46. uni-
    • - one
    • - Ex: unicycle, unify
  47. vert-
    • - change
    • - Ex: revert, reverse
Card Set
Word Knowledge Prefix
Common Prefix for ASVAB