1. What is the formula for Ohm's Law?
    Voltage = Current times Resistance (V=IR)
  2. Explain engineering notation...
    • The product of a number between 0 - 999 and power of 10, with the power of ten between any multiple of 3.
    • Example: 4.55A x 10^3
  3. Give the solution using Ohm's Law for (3k)(6m).
    • (3k)(6m)
    • (3 x 103)(6 x 10-3)
    • (3 x 6)(103x10-3)
    • 18 x 100
    • 18 x 1
    • 18
  4. What is the formula for Watts Law?
    Power = Current times Voltage (P = VI)
  5. What is Vp mean when dealing with Sine Waves?
    Voltage Peak - either the positive or negative maximum voltage.
  6. What is Vpp when dealing with Sine Waves?
    Vpp = Voltage Peak to Peak - the voltage distance between the negative peak and positive peak.
  7. What is Vrms in Sine Wave?
    Vrms = Voltage Root Means Square - It is a value that is less than Vp.
  8. Describe cycles in sine wave...
    Cycles = One positive alteration and one negative alteration.
  9. What does frequency mean?
    • The number of cycles completed in a given amount of time.
    • Frequency is measured in Hz. One Hz is one cycle completed in one second.
  10. What is the formula for frequency?
    f = (cycle) / (time)
  11. What is Amplitude when dealing with Square Wave?
    Amplitude is Voltage.
  12. What does Risetime mean when thinking of Square Wave?
    The amount of time for the square wave to rise from 10% to 90% of full amplitude.
  13. What is falltime when dealing with square wave?
    The amount of time to fall from 90% of full amplitude to 10% of full amplitude.
  14. When dealing with square wave form, describe pulse width...
    The TIME between the leading and falling edge, measured at 50% of the full amplitude.
  15. What does ELF stand for?
    Extreme Low Frequency (30 - 300 Hz)
  16. What does VF stand for?
    Voice Frequency (300 - 3000 Hz)
  17. What does VLF stand for?
    Very Low Frequency (9kHz - 30kHz)
  18. What does LF stand for?
    Low Frequency (30kHz - 300kHz)
  19. What does MF stand for?
    Medium Frequency (300kHz - 3000kHz) or (3MHz)
  20. What does HF stand for?
    High Frequency (3MHz - 30MHz)
  21. What does VHF stand for?
    Very High Frequency (30MHz - 300MHz)
  22. What does UHF stand for?
    Ultra High Frequency (300MHz - 3000MHz) (3GHz)
  23. What does SHF stand for?
    Super High Frequency or Microwave (3GHz - 30GHz)
  24. What does EHF stand for?
    Extremely High Frequency (30GHz - 300GHz)
  25. What are the 3 types of Optical Spectrum/Lightwave?
    • 1. Infrared
    • 2. Visible
    • 3. UltraViolet
  26. What does DSL stand for?
    Digital Subscriber Line
  27. What does ADSL stand for?
    • Asymmetric Digital SubLine
    • (most common type of DSL)
  28. What does HDSL stand for?
    High Bitrate DSL
  29. What does IDSL stand for?
    Ingegrated Services Digital Network DSL
  30. What does RADLS stand for?
    Rate Adapter DSL
  31. What does SDSL stand for?
    • Symmetrical DSL
    • (uses only 1 pair of wires)
  32. What does VDSL stand for?
    Very High Rate DSL
  33. Name 4 factors affecting DSL availability to customers.
    • 1. LEC - Local Exchange Carrier
    • 2. Condition of the telephone line
    • 3. Geographical Area
    • 4. Distance from the central office
  34. What does DSLAM stand for?
    Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer.
  35. Explain DSLAM...
    It is a multiplexer from modems to the router to the designated Internet Service Provider (ISP).
  36. What does POTS stand for?
    Plain Old Telephone Services
  37. What does PSTN stand for?
    Public Switch Telephone Network
  38. What does NID stand for?
    Network Interface Device
  39. What does NIC stand for?
    Network Internet Card
  40. What does PVR stand for?
    Personal Video Recorder
  41. What does DVR stand for?
    Digital Video Recorder
  42. What does HTI stand for? Define HTI.
    Home Technology Integrator - The professional who provides the customer with the right solution using the right technology.
  43. UL markings mean...
    Performance and Safety standard
  44. Encapsulate means...
    Adding Header and Footer to a packet.
  45. An unwanted transfer of signals is called....
  46. Impedance is a FORM of what?
  47. Resistance is the OPPOSITION to what?
    Current Flow
  48. Impedance is the TOTAL opposition to what?
  49. What does PAM stand for?
    Pulse Amplitude Modulation
  50. Give metric value for Kilo.
  51. Give metric value for Mega.
  52. Give metric value for milli.
  53. Give metric value for nano.
  54. Power is always expressed in ___________.
  55. Power is the ___________ at which __________ is used.
  56. Capacitors are measured as what?
    Farads (ability to store energy)
  57. Voltage is measured as what?
    Volts (a source of energy)
  58. Current is measured as what?
    Amps (the flow of energy)
  59. Resistance is measured in what?
    Ohms (resistance of energy)
  60. What does UTP stand for?
    Unshielded Twisted Pair
  61. What does STP stand for?
    Sheilded Twisted Pair
  62. How many twisted pairs in CAT3?
  63. How many twisted pairs in CAT5?
  64. Inductance is measured as what?
    Henry (L)
  65. What is the main use for a Diplexer?
    To filter frequencies.
Card Set
Basic Electronics