periodic table test 2/26

  1. what is a period
    vertical rows of elements
  2. what is the first period
    alkali metals
  3. what is the second period
    alkaline earth metals
  4. specs of alkali metals
    soft, super reactive, 1 electron on the outer layer, 6 metals
  5. specs of alkaline earth metals
    2 electrons on outer level, high reactivity, dense,6 metals
  6. specs on transition metals
    1 or 2 electrons on outer level, very dense, good conductors, low reactivity, 40 metals
  7. specs on halogens
    7 electrons on outer level, high reactivity, poor conductor, 6 nonmetals
  8. specs on noble gasses
    8 electrons on the outer layer, unreactive, 0 metals, 6 nonmetals
  9. specs on hydrogen
    1 electon on outer layer, reactive, low density, 0 metals, 1 nonmetal
  10. period 3-12
    transition metals
  11. period 17
  12. period 18
    noble gases
Card Set
periodic table test 2/26
ms jordans class