NCTI- Pharmacology- Mechanism of Action

  1. Acetylsalicylic Acid
    Inhibits aggregation (clumping) of platelets by blocking the formation of the substance thromboxane (A2) ; prolonging bleeding time

    Provides analgesia by inhibiting prostaglandins and other substances that sensitize pain receptors (blocking of prostaglandins also accounts for the drug’s anti-inflammatory effects).

    Relieves fever by acting upon the hypothalamic heat regulating center
  2. Morphine Sulfate
    Alters pain perception and produces euphoria

    Decreases myocardial oxygen demand by decreasing preload (venous pooling due to peripheral vasodilation) and decreasing afterload (decreased systemic vascular resistance due to peripheral vasodilation)

    Depresses the CNS by interacting with opiate receptors in the brain
  3. Activated Charcoal
    Binds (adsorbs) toxic substances inhibiting gastrointestinal absorption, leaving less toxic substance in body circulation; increasing fecal elimination of drug/charcoal complex
  4. Nitroglycerin
    • Relaxes smooth muscles causing venous dilation
    • Reduces preload and afterload to the heart
    • Dilates the coronary arteries resulting in increased perfusion of the myocardium
  5. Oxygen
    Increases percentage of oxygen in inspired air (FiO2)
  6. Diazepam
    • Suppresses the spread of seizure activity and raises the seizure threshold in the motor cortex
    • Sedative effects depress the CNS and reduce anxiety
    • Skeletal muscle relaxant
    • Induces amnesia
  7. Midazolam
    • Reduces anxiety
    • Relaxes skeletal muscles
    • Produces short term CNS depression and amnesia
  8. Naloxone
    Reverses the respiratory depression and CNS sedation of narcotics by competing for opiate receptor sites in the brain
  9. Glucagon
    • Elevates blood glucose level by converting stored liver glycogen into glucose
    • Increases heart rate and myocardial contractility and improves AV conduction in a manner similar to that produced by catecholamines
  10. Dextrose 50% in water (D50W)
    Provides immediate source of glucose for cellular metabolism
  11. Thiamine
    Coenzyme necessary for carbohydrate metabolism of glucose
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NCTI- Pharmacology- Mechanism of Action
NCTI- Pharmacology- Mechanism of Action