Prof Bus Comm

  1. Model of Communication
    Sender --> Message --> Receiver
  2. Feedback
    • - information/comments between Receiver and Sender
    • - ex. CATS, questions, body language
  3. Noise
    • - An interruption between the Message and Receiver
    • - affect/distortion of the message to the receiver
    • - ex. distractions, day dreaming
  4. "One cannot not communicate"
    • - a response/lack of response are equally important
    • - do intentions matter?/are they required?
  5. Culture and Communication
    • - non-verbal: hand gestures
    • - personal space
    • - language (written/spoken)
    • - eating
    • - generational
  6. Noam Chomsky
    • - generative grammar
    • - we have a pre-conception of language - to predict other ways of saying things that we are not familiar with
    • - ex. green big balloon
  7. I.A. Richards
    • - rhetorician
    • - came up with the "proper meaning superstition"
  8. Proper meaning superstition
    • - words have a precise, singular, definition - we may think this, but ITS NOT TRUE
    • - there is a gap between the word and what it refers to, this gap comes from experience
    • **experience is the difference
  9. rhetoric
    • persuasive speech
    • (according to the greeks)
    • Aristotle wrote The Rhetoric, good people need to use rhetoric too, can be used to bring out the truth
  10. logos
    • - logical proof
    • - line of argument
    • - organization/support of argument
  11. ethos
    • - ethical proof
    • - character is most important
  12. pathos
    • - emotional proof
    • - feelings drawn from the audience 
    • - pull on the audience's emotions
  13. hard sell
    • - Rosser Reeves
    • - repetition is key
    • - simple, not complex
    • - ex. IKE for prez, we like IKE
  14. soft/mind sell
    • - goal is to activate your mind
    • - push your ideas forward - don't tell the viewer what to think
    • - make associations so that the audience makes their own associations
  15. signs (pg. 4)
    • - non-verbal
    • - involuntary expressions of emotion
    • ex. facial expressions, eye contact, posture, gesture
    • - not under conscious control 
    • - can contradict a message/cause ambiguity
  16. symbols (pg. 4)
    • - voluntary expressions that stand for/represent something else
    • - choice, conscious action
    • ex. letters/words are symbols
  17. encoding (pg. 7)
    - the process of selecting symbols to stand for or represent ideas (cognitions)
  18. decoding (pg. 7)
    • - a message is decoded
    • - the receiver selects the meanings to attach to the signs and symbols that were transmitted by the sender
  19. Pre-interview stage
    • - job candidates must secure an interview
    • - research, resume, cover letter
  20. recall listening
    • - a person's ability to correctly interpret and remember the content of another person's message
    • - 4 parts to recall listening
  21. 4 parts of recall listening
    • - Receiving the message
    • - Attending to the message: direct proper attention towards message
    • - assigning meaning/interpretation
    • - remembering: store and recall major themes of message for future use/decision making
  22. empathic listening
    • - active listening
    • - building rapport and providing feedback
    • - empathy, listen to others feelings
    • - attitude of acceptance
    • - responding positively to emotions  
  23. brainstorming
    • - a means of developing creative solutions to team problems
    • - emphasizes creativity and innovation
    • - most helpful to find unconventional solutions
  24. role-taking
    • - a way to assess the audience
    • - imagines how others will react to one's message
    • -  to put yourself in another person's shoes
    • - anticipating a reaction to a message rather than waiting for the person's feedback - anticipate difficulties/objections
    • - reduces ambiguity and increases the chances of sharing meaning
  25. avoidance style
    • - low assertiveness
    • - low cooperativeness
    • - apathetic, refuse to engage in conflict 
    • **useful if preserving the relationship with a team member is more important than the actual issue at hand
  26. hostile audience
  27. capstone statement
    • - close the speech with this: it reinforces the specific purpose
    • - can refer listeners back to the intro 
    • - ex: hypothetical story, can ask a question, be a startling statement, or a quote
    • - usually contains the opinion/belief that the speaker wishes the audience to adopt
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Prof Bus Comm
Comm Midterm flashcards