Bio 2.2 Lab Exam 2: Arthropoda; Hexapoda

  1. What is special about the insect exoskeleton?
    It is made of chitin but hardened by the proteinĀ sclerotin.
  2. What are ocelli?
    Photoreceptors without a lense, cannot form images.
  3. What must occur in order for an insect to grow?
  4. What is metamorphosis?
    A change in body form.
  5. What is the time between molts called?
  6. What is instar?
    The time between molts of an insect.
  7. What is complete metamorphosis?
    • Eggs create larva that feeds and grows.
    • Larva pupate where it grows into the adult form.
  8. What is incomplete metamorphosis?
    • Wings develop slowly from small wing buds.
    • No pupa stage.
  9. What is the difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis?
    Incomplete metamorphosis does not have a pupa stage.
  10. What is direct development?
    In wingless insects the juvenile looks like the adult except for size and sexual maturity.
  11. Where do scientists believe wings evolved from?
  12. What are the 8 orders of the class insecta?
    • Lepidoptera
    • Orthoptera
    • Diptera
    • Dermaptera
    • Hemiptera
    • Odonata
    • Hymenoptera
    • Coleoptera
  13. What are the key characteristics of the class hymenoptera?
    2 pairs of membranous wings with the same texture.
  14. What are the key characteristics of the class lepidoptera?
    • Powdery-like scales on wings.
    • Mouth coiled beneath head.
    • 2 pairs of similar texture wings.
  15. What are the key characteristics of the class orthoptera?
    • Large hind legs for jumping.
    • No wings.
    • 1 pair of Cerci (tails)
    • Antennae thread-like.
  16. What are the key characteristics of the class diptera?
    One pair of membranous wings.
  17. What are the key characteristics of the class dermoptera?
    • 2 Pairs of wings:
    • Front wings short/leathery.
    • Hind wings membranous.
    • Flattened body.
    • Pinchers/forcep-like cerci.
  18. What are the key characteristics of the class hemiptera?
    • Mouth positioned in front of the eyes.
    • Thick front wings
    • Membranous back wings
    • Front and back wings positioned in a triangle pattern overlapping.
  19. What are the key characteristics of the class odonata?
    • Very large eyes.
    • Long, thin wings.
    • Slender, needle-like body.
  20. What are the key characteristics of the class coleoptera?
    • Hard, shell-like front wings.
    • Back wings encased underneath front wings.
  21. What order are bees, wasps, and ants in?
  22. What order are moths in?
  23. What order are crickets in?
  24. What order are flies in?
  25. What order are earwigs in?
  26. What order are shield bugs in?
  27. What order are dragonflies in?
  28. What order are beetles in?

  29. What order is this insect in, and what distinguishing features does it have?
    • Hymenoptera
    • 2 pairs of membranous wings of the same texture.

  30. What order is this insect in, and what distinguishing features does it have?
    • Lepidoptera
    • Powdery-like scales on wings.
    • Wings similar texture.

  31. What order is this insect in, and what distinguishing features does it have?
    • Orthoptera
    • Large hind legs for jumping.
    • Cerci
    • Thread-like antennae.

  32. What order is this insect in, and what distinguishing features does it have?
    • Diptera
    • One pair of membranous wings.

  33. What order is this insect in, and what distinguishing features does it have?
    • Dermaptera
    • Pincher-like cerci
    • Leathery front wings.
    • Membranous back wings.
    • Flattened body.

  34. What order is this insect in, and what distinguishing features does it have?
    • Hemiptera
    • Mouth positioned in front of eyes.
    • Front and back wings crossed in a triangle pattern.
    • Front wings thick
    • Back wings membranous

  35. What order is this insect in, and what distinguishing features does it have?
    • Odonata
    • Very large eyes
    • Long, thin wings.
    • Long, thin bodies.

  36. What order is this insect in, and what distinguishing features does it have?
    • Coleoptera
    • Shell-like front wings encasing the backwings.
    • Backwings membranous.
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Bio 2.2 Lab Exam 2: Arthropoda; Hexapoda
Lab Exam 2