Health Psych Test 2.3

  1. Physiological ways to measure stress
    • blood pressure
    • heart rate
    • skin response
    • epinephrine or cortisol levels
  2. Non-physiological ways to measure stress
    • Self reports like...
    • Daily stress inventory: goal is to determine the occurrence of daily stressors and the experience of symptoms
    • Weekly stress inventory: goal is to assess minor stressors or "hassles" for the time span of a week
  3. Type A personality
    • high strung
    • reacts to stress in a significantly higher way than type B's
    • more at rist of developing heart problems
  4. Type B personality
    • easy going
    • laid back
  5. Type D personality
    • more negative
    • 'D' stands for "distressed"
  6. Immune Dificiency
    inadequate immune response
  7. Causes of immune dificiency
    • drug treatment side effect (chemotherapy)
    • naturally: immune sys not fully developed, allergies, autoimmune disease (lupus, MS), transplant rejection
    • As a result of a virus (AIDS)
  8. Psychoneuroimmunology
    focuses on the interactions among behavior, the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system
  9. Diasthesis-stress Model
    • susceptibility an individual has to stress or illness
    • determined either by....
    • predisposing factors (in the person): genetic vulnerability or acquired personality traits or...
    • precipitating factors (from the environment): traumatic experiences
  10. Direct effect of stress on disease
    • through nervous, endocrine, and immune systems
    • could become compromised, allowing for disease to develop
  11. Indirect effect of stress on disease
    • through changes in health practices
    • stress tends to be related to increases in drinking, smoking, drug use, and sleep problems
Card Set
Health Psych Test 2.3
Health Psych Test 2.3