What are protozoa
- single celled organism
- some are Flagellates
hair like structures that whip back and forth allowing them to move around
Giardia host and habitat
- any animal
- small intestines
Giardia Spp.
- Giardia canis
- Giardia lamblia
- Giardia cati
- Giardia bovi
Giardia identification
- Dormant/resistant:
- cyst stage is lemon/football shaped
- Fedding/motile:
- trophozoites (troph.), teardrop shape with 4 pairs of flagella and 2 nuclei
Giardia distribution
wide spread, occurs in certain areas, old standing water
Giardia transmission
- ingestion of cyst
- contaminated food or water or feces
Giardia clinical signs
- small numbers:
- may be asymptomatic
- large numbers:
- watery diarrhea, may be blood tinged, acute or chronic, could be explosive
Giardia diagnosis
- very difficult to find, need very fresh sample
- direct smear with iodine or NMB to see trophs, and cysts
- floatation device to see cysts
- snap test available
ccontrol Giardia
- use 10% bleach to disinfect objects
- prevent contamination of feed and water bu fecal material
make 10% bleach
- C1 x V1 = C2 x V2
- 100% x V1 = 10% x 100mL
- V1 = 10% x 100mL/100%
- V1 = 100mL of bleach mixed with 900mL of water
Giardia treatment
- Metronidazole = Flagyl
- Fenbendazole = Panacur
what is Coccidia
- common in mammals
- causes condition termed coccidiosis
- intracellular parasites
- some require an intermediate host
2 types of Coccidia
- Isospora spp.
- Eimeria spp.
Coccidia habitat and distribution
- with the cells of the small intestine
- wide spread (very common)
Coccidia large animal host and symptoms
- sheep, goat, cattle, poultry
- bloody diarrhea and high mortality in feedlot animals
Coccidia transmission
- fecal/oral transmission
- ingestion of sporulated oocysts containing the infective stage called sporozoites
Coccidia sporulation requires:
- moisture
- oxygen
- moderate temps.
Isospora felis
- life cycle may include sporocysts being located within mouse tissues
- cat becomes infected by consuming the infected mouse tissue
coccidia immunity
- specific immunity to natural infection may develop in individuals
- immunity short lived
- vaccines are available for production animals (limited use)
Coccidia signs
- Chronic diarrhea
- Adults:
- mostly self-limiting and no severe signs
- Young:
- watery, yellow or bloody stool, dehydration and weight loss, can be fatal
Coccidia diagnosis
- Floatation
- oocysts or sporocysts
- Direct Smear
- may see them but can be difficult
Coccidia control
- Sanitation (can live up to 1 year in soil)
- Oocysts are destroyed by:
- drying up or sunlight
Coccidia treatment
- Sulfadimethoxine = Albon
- Metronidazole = Flagyl
Cryptosporidium host and habitat
- dogs, cats, humans, swine, and cattle
- small intestine
Cryptosporidium diagnosis
small colorless and transparent oocysts found by fecal floatation or stained fecal smears
Infection in _______________ humans can have serious or fatal consequences
Cryptosporidium parvum treatment
- no labeled treatment for cattle
- drugs available for humans
- cost-prohibitive and illegal
- hope for herd immunity
- some try high doses of ionophores
- keep calves in clean area
- separate immediately after calving
Toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasma gondii host
- Int: birds, humans, and other mammals
- Def: cat
Toxoplasma gondii identification
oocyst in fecal float-very small and often missed
Toxoplasma gondii habitat
- Cat- small intestines (can go through any other part of the body)
- Other species- muscle tissue, brain, and liver
- Fetus- brain and CNS, can be fatal, cause abortion and retardation
Toxoplasma gondii distribution
world wide
Toxoplamsa gondii transmission
- cat ingest sporulated oocysts
- cat ingest intermediate host
- transplacentral
- infected uncooked meat ingested by human
Toxoplasma gondii symptoms
- People:
- flu-like symptoms and fever
- Cats:
- wt. loss, fever, anorexia, possible seizures
- Fetus (human):
- retardation, microcephally (small brain), hydrocephally (water in brain), blindness
Toxoplasma gondii diagnosis
serological testing
Toxoplasma gondii control and treatment
- killed by heat or by ammonia
- Pyrimethamin administration to dogs and cats
Trichomonas in cattle
- associated with abortions and decreased fertility
- motile
- a venereal disease, spread from cow to cow by infected bull
- can have a white sticky discharge for several months
Trichomonas spp. in humans
Trichomonas vaginalis
in red blood cells (intracellular)transmitted by arthropods (insects)
Babesi host and transmission
- dogs:
- B. canis
- B. gibsoni
- transmitted by tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus
- Host-specific
Babesia signs in dogs and diagnosis
- anemia and splenomegaly
- wright-stain blood smears, found in feathered end of blood smear
- flagellated protozoa appearing extracellular in bllod
- most non-pathogenic, but some are a concern
what causes Trypanosoma
caused of the African Sleeping Sickness spread by the tsetse fly
Trypanosoma host
- not host-specific (more than one species may be found in one animal
- cattle, pigs, horses, dogs, humans
reservoirs of Trypanosoma
- wild animals
- in NA:
- raccoon, opossums, armadillos, skunks
Trypanosoma appearance
elongated organisms haveing pointed, blunt or round posterior end
where do you examen for Trypanosoma
the buffy coat
Cytauxzoon felis
- rings found in the RBC
- Transmission-ticks
- Affects-bobcats, panthers, and cougars
- east coast fever in africa
- affects RBC's
- may be found in cattle, deer, and elk