Disorder of the digestive system 1.txt

    • author "me"
    • tags ""
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    • fileName "Disorder of the digestive system"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • What is anorexia
    • Chronic loss of appetite
  1. What is bulimia
    Bingee-purge syndrome
  2. Nursing implementation for anorexia
    • Become familiar with patients eating habits
    • Permit patient to choose own foods
    • Dont force pt to eat
    • Serve small portions
  3. What is gingivitis
    Inflammation of the gums
  4. Symptoms of gingivitis
    • Bleeding, swollen, tender gums
    • Difficulty chewing
  5. How to prevent gingivitis
    • Brushing teeth and gums
    • Daily flossing
    • Adequate diet
  6. What is periodontitis
    • Teeth loosen
    • Spreads to mandible
  7. Hiw to prevent periodontitis
    • Impeccable tooth and gum
    • Regular flossing
    • adequate diet
  8. Tx of periodontitis
    • Drainage of abscess
    • Antibiotics
    • extraction
  9. What is candidiasis
    • Fungus present in the mouth, intestine, vagina, and on the skin
    • Thrush, moniliasis
  10. Clinical manifestation of candidiasis
    Small pearly-white patches on the muccous membrane
  11. What is achalasia
    • LES cannot relax
    • Causes decreased motility of the lower portion of the esophagus
    • Decrease amount of food can enter the stomach
  12. Primary symptom of achalasia
  13. What is GERD
    • Backward flow of gastric acid into the esophagus
    • Reduces LES pressure
    • Not a disease
  14. Risks for GERD
    • Alchohol, tobacco, smoking
    • Delayed gastric motility
    • Increased abdominal pressure
  15. S/S of GERD
    • Sometime no symptoms
    • Heart burn 20min-2hrs
    • Regurgitation
    • Painful swalling
    • Cough
    • Wheezing
    • Hoarseness
    • Asthma
    • Recurrent pneumonia
  16. Diet for GERD
    • 4-6 small meals a day
    • Low fat, adequate protein, low acid
    • Remain upright for 1-2 hrs after eating
  17. Lifestyle changes for GERD
    • Eliminate smoking
    • Avoid constrictive clothing
    • HOB up at least 6-8 inches for sleep
    • Weight loss
  18. Goals of meds of GERD
    Increase or decrease the ph
  19. What increases the ph level
    Antacids it neutralizes it
  20. When to take antacids
    Take p meals 30-60min
  21. Examples of antacids
    • Tums
    • Maalox
    • Amphogel
  22. What is used to decrease acid produced in GERD
    Histamine 2 receptor Antagonist (H2 blockers)
  23. Examples of histamine 2 receptors antagonist
    • Tagamet
    • Nizatidine
    • Ranitidine
    • Famotidine
  24. What si barrets esophagus
    Cells in esophagus change to cells normally found in the intestine
  25. Barrets esophagus meds
    Same meds of GERD
  26. What is acute gastritis
    Inflammation of the lining of the stomach
  27. S/S of acute gastritis
    • Fever
    • HA
    • epigastric pain
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Coating of the tongue
    • Anorexia
  28. Long term acute gastritis
    Changes in the mucosal lining that interferes with acid and pepsin secretions
  29. What is nausea
    Feeling the urge to vomit
  30. S/S of nausea
    Increased salivation
    diminishing functional activities of the stomach
    Altered small intestine mobility
  31. What are stress ulcers
    • Transient ischemia related to blood shunting results in abnormal gastric secretions
    • Leads to numerous superficial erosions that might bleed
  32. what is peptic ulcers (PUD)
    • Ulcerations of the mucous membrane or deeper structures of the GI tract
    • Commonly happens in stomach and duodenum
  33. What is H. Pylori
    • Its bacteria
    • Helicobacter pylori
    • Typically affected in childhood, transmitted oral-fecal
    • Increase risk of ulcers and gastric cancer
  34. What is a gastric ulcer
    • In the distal half of the stomach
    • Bleed more, harder to control
  35. What are duodenal ulcers
    • May or may not be caused by hypersecretions of gastrin
    • Ulcerations occurs when acid secretion exceeds the bluffing factor
  36. S/s of gastric and duodenal
    • Dull, burning, or gnawing, epigastric
    • Gastric c food
    • Duodenal pm
  37. Diagnostic exams h pylori
    Breath, serum, stool
  38. PUD diet
    • Bland diet
    • Low in gastric acid stimulants
    • Small frequent meals
    • Limit tobacco, alcohol and NSAID use
  39. Gastric stimulants
    • Milk
    • Any peppers
    • Coffee decaf or regular
    • Citric acid
    • Some canned fruit
  40. What is dumping syndrome
    Rapid gastric emptying
  41. Diet for dumping syndrome
    • Eat 6 small meals a day
    • High in protein and low in carbs
  42. While eating remember what with dumping syndrome
    Eat slowly and avoid fluids
  43. What is diarrhea
    Rapid movement through intestines of loose, watery stools resulting from increased peristalsis
  44. Avoid what E-coli infection
    • Anti-diarrheals
    • Anti-motility
    • Antibiotics cautiously
  45. What ia c-difficile
    Complication of antibiotics because it inhibits the growth of normal intestinal flora and allows overgrowth of c-difficile
  46. Why is it hard to get rid of c-diff
    Its encapsulated
  47. Precautions with c-difff
    Contact isolation
  48. What is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
    • Episodes of alteration in bowel function
    • Disconnect between brain and intestine
  49. Diagnostic test for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
    • History and physical exam
    • Often by exclusion
  50. Red flags for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
    • Nighttime symptoms
    • Visible or occult blood in stool
    • Weight loss
    • Recurrent fever
  51. Diet for IBS
    • Fiber
    • Decrease fat to decrease gas
    • Increase water
  52. Triggers for IBS
    • Stress
    • Caffeine
    • Nicotine
  53. IBS medications
    • Antispasmodics
    • Bentyl
    • Donnatal
    • 5HT Medication
    • Zelnorm
    • Lotrenex
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Disorder of the digestive system 1.txt
Part 1 for test 1