
  1. prolactin
    milk producing hormone
  2. oxytocin
    hormone for let down reflex
  3. energy increase in pregnancy
    • 340-450 kcal
    • 2200-2800 kcal
  4. types of plasma protein
    • albumin
    • globulin
  5. anencephaly
    • neural tube defects of brain
    • no-brain
  6. spina bifida
    neural defects of spine
  7. plasma protein
    any of a number of protein substances carried in the circulating blood
  8. albumin
    maintains the fluid volume of blood through its colloidal osmotic pressure
  9. amount of weight gain
    • underweight 28-40
    • normal 25-35
    • overweight 15-25
    • obese 15
    • teenage girls 35-40
    • twins 34-45
    • triplets 50
  10. average weight gain in pregnancy
    29 lbs
  11. IUGR
    less than 10% of prdicted fetal weight for gestational age
  12. pica
    craving and consumption of of nonfood items
  13. infant birth weights
    • low birth weight 5.5 lbs
    • very low birth weight 3lbs
    • extremely low birth weight 2lbs
  14. method of feeding
    • IV
    • bottle
    • breastfeeding
  15. psychosocial development
    • young adults 20-44 yrs
    • middle adults 45-64
    • older adults 65 yrs older
  16. avg bmr decline in adults
    1%-2% per decade
  17. polarity
    interaction beteen the positively charged end of one molecule to the negative end of another
  18. diuretic
    any substance that induces urination and subsequent fluid loss
  19. extracellular fluid
    the total body wter outside of cell ECF
  20. FDA
    • primary governing agency of food except
    • meat
    • poultry
  21. CDC
    monitors and investigates cases of food bourne illness
  22. EPA
    • regulates pesticides
    • safety of water
  23. USDA
    • food safety of meat and poultry
    • foreign and domestic
  24. NMFS
    governs safety of seafood and fisheries
  25. FTC
    • montora and investigates
    • advertising and
    • truthful marketing
  26. bacterial infection
    • flu-like
    • last 3-7 days
  27. bacterial food poisoning
    rapid onset
  28. regulates food additives
  29. HACCP
    hazard analysis and critical control points
Card Set
chapter 9-14