Chapter 4 International OB

  1. Culture
    Beliefs and values about how a community of people should and do act
  2. Culture Influences on OB (6)
    • 1)Economic/Technological Setting
    • 2)Political/Legal Setting
    • 3)Ethnic Background
    • 4)Religion
    • 5)Societal culture(customs,language)
    • 5)Values/Ethics(attitudes,assumptions,expectations)
  3. Ethnocentrism
    Belief that one's native country, culture, language, and behavior are superior.
  4. Cultural Intelligence
    The ability to interpret ambiguous cross-cultural situations accurately
  5. High-Context Cultures
    • Primary meaning derived from nonverbal situational cues.
    • -cues like position, status, or family connections more powerful than words
  6. Low-Context Cultures
    Primary meaning derived from written and spoken words
  7. 9 Global Dimensions from GLOBE Project
    • 1)Power Distance
    • 2)Uncertainty Avoidance
    • 3)Institutional Collectivism
    • 4)In-Group Collectivism
    • 5)Gender Egalitarianism
    • 6)Assertiveness
    • 7)Future Orientation
    • 8)Performance Orientation
    • 9)Humane Orientation
  8. Individualistic Culture
    Primary emphasis on personal freedom and choice
  9. Collectivist Culture
    Personal goals less important than community goals and interests
  10. Monochronic Time
    Belief that time is limited, precisely segmented, and schedule driven
  11. Polychronic Time
    Belief that time is flexible, multidimensional, and based on relationships and situations
  12. Proxemics
    Hall's term for the study of cultural expectations about interpersonal space
  13. Cross-Cultural Management
    Understanding and teaching behavioral patterns in different cultures
  14. Hofstede Study: How well do US mgmt. theories apply in other countries?
    • 1)power distance
    • 2)Individualism/Collectivism
    • 3)Masculinity/Femininity
    • 4)Uncertainty Avoidance
  15. Countries have Different Mgmt. Styles (3)
    • 1)Monitoring:how well do co.'s monitor inside for continuous improvement.
    • 2) Targets:set right targets, track right outcomes, take appropriate action
    • 3)Incentives:are co.'s rewarding employees
  16. Expatriate
    Anyone living or working in a foreign country
  17. Cross-Cultural Training
    Structured experiences to help people adjust to a new culture/country
  18. Foreign Assignment Cycle (4)
    • 1)Selection+Training:unrealistic expectations
    • 2)Arrival+Adjustment:culture shock
    • 3)Setting in+Acculturating:lack of support
    • 4)Returning home+Adjusting:Reentry shock
  19. Culture Shock
    Anxiety and doubt caused by an overload of new expectations and cues
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Chapter 4 International OB