shared values and beliefs that underlie a company's identity
enduring belief in a mode of conduct or end-state
Espoused Values
The stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization
meeting humanity's needs without harming future generations
Enacted Values
the values and norms that are exhibited by employees
PE Fit
extent to which personal characteristics match those from a work environment
4 Functions of Org. Culture
1) Org. Identity
2) Collective Commitment
3) Social System stability
4) Sense-making device
Competing Values Framework (CVF)
framework for categorizing organizational culture
Clan Culture
culture that has an internal focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control
Adhocracy Culture
culture that has external focus and values flexibility
Market Culture
culture that has strong external focus and values stability and control
Hierarchy Culture
culture that has an internal focus and values stability and control
Long-term goal describing "what" an organization wants to become
Strategic Plan
A long-term plan outlining actions needed to achieve desired results (11 mechanisms in book)
Organizational Socialization
Process by which employees learn an organization's values, norms, and required behaviors
3 Phases of Org. Socialization
1) Anticipatory Socialization
2) Encounter
3) Change and Acquisition
Anticipation Socialization Phase
Occurs before an individual joins an organization, and involvesĀ the information people learn about different careers, occupations, professions, and organizations.
Realistic Job Preview
presents both positive and negative aspects of a job
Phase 2: Encounter
Employees learn what the organization is really like and reconcile unmet expectations
Programs aimed at helping employees integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs
Phase 3: Change and Acquisition
Requires employees to master tasks and roles and to adjust to work group values and norms
Socialization Tactics (6)
1) Collective vs. Individual
2) Formal vs. Informal
3) Sequential vs. Random
4) Fixed vs. Variable
5) Serial vs. Disjunctive
6) Investiture vs. Divestiture
Process of forming and maintaining developmental relationships between a mentor and a junior person
Diversity of Developmental Relationships
The variety of people in a network used for developmental assistance
-2 Subcomponents. a) # of ppl person is networked with and b) various social systems from which networked relationships stem (school,family)
Developmental Relationship Strength
Quality of relationships among people in a network
-Receptive dev. network composed of a few weak ties from one social system such as an employer or professional association.