
  1. What is the difference between an infectious and a noninfectious disease?
    An infectious disease can be passed from one person to another and a noninfectious disease can not be passed from person to person.
  2. What are five ways you might come into contact with pathogens?
    Air, Person to person contact, Food and water, Pets/ Animals, and Contaminated objects.
  3. What are two example of non-infectious diseases?
    Cancer, and heart disease.
  4. What are two examples of infectious diseases?
    Chicken pox and the common cold.
  5. What is a pathogen?
    A microorganism, organism, virus, or protein that cause disease.
  6. What are three disease carried by animals?
    • Fungus (caused by ringworm)
    • Lyme Disease (caused by ticks)
    • Malaria (caused by mosquitoes)
  7. What are three ways people stop the spread of disease?
    • Boiling water
    • UV radiation
    • Chemicals
  8. Pasteurization
    A technique developed by Louis Pasteur in the mid 1800's that uses heat to kill bacteria. Milk is pasteurized to kill pathogens.
  9. Vaccine
    A substance that helps your body develop an immunity to a disease. Vaccines contain pathogens that are killed or specially treated. Allows your body to develop an immunity.
  10. What led to modern vaccines?
    Edward Jenner's studies of small pox. He found that people who had been infected with cow pox seemed to be protected against small pox. these people had developed an immunity
  11. When are antibiotics used?
    • antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. Antibiotics can kill or slow the growth of living things.
    • Ex: We take antibiotics to treat Strep throat.
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