Chapter 9

  1. elders
    those 65 years of age and older
  2. ageism
    prejudice and discrimination against the aged
  3. exploritas
    education programs specifically for elders, held on college campuses or at a variety of sites around the world
  4. demography
    the study of a population and those variables bringing about change in that population
  5. median age
    the age at which half of the population is older and half is younger
  6. net migration
    the population gain or loss resulting from migration
  7. dependency ratio
    a ratio that compares the number of individuals whom society considers economically unproductive to the number it considers economically productive
  8. total dependency ratio
    the dependency ratio that includes both young and old
  9. youth dependency ratio
    the dependency ratio that includes only youth
  10. old-age dependency ratio
    the dependency ratio that includes only the old
  11. encore careers
    when individuals transition out of their work careers and into jobs and volunteer opportunities and public sectors
  12. labor-force ratio
    a ratio of the total number of those individuals who are not working to the number of those who are
  13. assisted-living facility
    a special combination of housing, personalized supportive services, and health care designed to meet the needs - both scheduled and unscheduled - of those who need help with activities of daily living
  14. retirement commitments
    residential communities that have been specifically developed for those in their retirement years
  15. continuing-care retirement communities (CCRCs)
    planned communities for seniors that guarantee a lifelong residence and health care
  16. activities of daily living (ADLs)
    eating, toileting, dressing, bathing, walking, getting in and out of a bed or chair, and getting outside
  17. functional limitations
    difficulty in performing personal care and home management tasks
  18. instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)
    more complex tasks such as handling personal finances, preparing meals, shopping, doing house-work, traveling, using the telephone, and taking medications
  19. informal caregiver
    one who provides unpaid assistance to one who has some physical, mental, emotional, or financial need limiting his or her independence
  20. care provider
    one who helps identify the health care needs of an individual and also personally performs the caregiving service
  21. care manager
    one who helps identify the health care needs of an individual but does not actually provide the health care services
  22. Older Americans Act of 1965 (OAA)
    federal legislation to improve the lives of elders
  23. Meals on Wheels
    a community-supported nutrition program in which prepared meals are delivered to elders in their homes, usually by volunteers
  24. congregate meal programs
    community-sponsored nutrition programs that provide meals at a central site, such as a senior center
  25. visitor services
    one individual taking time to visit with another who is unable to leave his or her residence
  26. homebound
    a person unable to leave home for normal activities
  27. adult day care programs
    daytime care provided to elders who are unable to be left alone
  28. respite care
    planned short-term care, usually for the purpose of relieving a full-time informal caregiver
  29. home health care services
    health care services provided in the patient's place of residence
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Chapter 9