Chapter 8 Math Terms

  1. Pythagorean triple
    A set of nonzero whole numbers a,b, and c that satisfy the equation Image Upload 2

    Example: 3,4,5 ; 5,12,13
  2. Trigonometric ratios
    Similar right triangles have equivalent ratios for their corresponding sides.

    Example: sine, cosine, tangent
  3. Sine
    Image Upload 4
  4. Cosine
    Image Upload 6
  5. Tangent
    Image Upload 8
  6. Angle of elevation
    the angle formed by a horizontal line and the line of sight to an object above the horizontal line.
  7. Angle of depression
    the angle formed by a horizontal line and the line of sight below the horizontal line.
  8. Vector
    Any quantity with magnitude (size) and direction.Image Upload 10
  9. Magnitude
    corresponds to the distance from the initial point K to the terminal point W.
  10. Initial point
    beginning point (K)
  11. Terminal point
    The ending point (W)
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Chapter 8 Math Terms
Chapter 8 flashcards for 12 words