Chapter 8 Math Terms

  1. Pythagorean triple
    A set of nonzero whole numbers a,b, and c that satisfy the equation 

    Example: 3,4,5 ; 5,12,13
  2. Trigonometric ratios
    Similar right triangles have equivalent ratios for their corresponding sides.

    Example: sine, cosine, tangent
  3. Sine
  4. Cosine
  5. Tangent
  6. Angle of elevation
    the angle formed by a horizontal line and the line of sight to an object above the horizontal line.
  7. Angle of depression
    the angle formed by a horizontal line and the line of sight below the horizontal line.
  8. Vector
    Any quantity with magnitude (size) and direction.
  9. Magnitude
    corresponds to the distance from the initial point K to the terminal point W.
  10. Initial point
    beginning point (K)
  11. Terminal point
    The ending point (W)
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Chapter 8 Math Terms
Chapter 8 flashcards for 12 words