
  1. (varieties of attachment: The strange situation) Who devised a procedure to evoke attachment behavior?
    • Mary Ainsworth
    • *strange situation
  2. (varieties of attachment: The strange situation)How was the strange situation devised to assess attachment ?
    by going through 8 Vignettes
  3. (varieties of attachment: The strange situation) The strange situation led to...
    development of 4 attachment classifications
  4. (variations in attachment) Secure attachment (3)
    -mom is secure base

    -cry upon separation

    -return to mom upon return
  5. (variations in attachment) (2) Insecure avoidant attachment
    -no interaction with mom

    -no response upon separation or return
  6. (variations in attachment) Insecure resistant attachment (3)
    -less likely to play with toys with mom around

    -show distress upon separation

    -show ambivalence(mixed feelings) upon return
  7. (variations in attachment) Disorganized-disoriented attachment (3)
    -extremely unusual behavior

    -dazed when mom leaves

    -fear upon return

    ***may lead to problems in later life
  8. Attachment theory suggests that the quality of attachment is determined by these two variables
    -maternal sensitivty

    -maternal responsiveness
  9. (attachment theory)(2 variables that determine quality) Maternal sensitivity
    knows what a child needs at any given time
  10. (attachment theory)(2 variables that determine quality) Maternal responsiveness
    is quick to assist or soothe when needed
  11. Bowlby AND Internal Working model of attachment
    Bowlby thinks that the type of attachment child acquired with mother, can be applied in later relationships
  12. Research findings AND Disorganized attachment
    preductive of later problems
  13. (critiques of attachment theory) Child Effect (2)
    -children are born with different temperaments

    • -influence is also bidirectional (both ways).
    • *mother influences kid so does the kid
  14. (critiques of attachment theory) Cultural critique (2)
    -varies on parenting style

    -some cultures prefer their kids shy and calm
  15. Are attachments recognizable across cultures?
  16. Japan AND Insecure resistant attachment
    Has the most
  17. Germany AND insecure avoidants
    has many
  18. What role do the father play in traditional culutres?
    -be the provider and disciplinarian
  19. The Warlpire and DAughters
    they have a unique bond
  20. The Manu fathers AND their kids
    they become involved after toddlerhood
  21. What type of parenting style have the father become in recent years?
    • egalitarian
    • *everything is equal and fair
  22. Traditional Cultures Older siblings AND Care of younger siblings (2)
    -they may be held responsible for the care of their younger siblings

    -can provide emotional comfort and security if prmary not around
  23. Conflicts AND Siblings
    they are the most common types of conflict
  24. What can having younger siblings do to a toddler?
    -can change attachment quality

    -also increased in aggresion
  25. (peer interaction) Solitary play
    -they play by themselves
  26. (peer interaction) Parallel play
    • same acitivty but not with each other
    • *they mimic their activty but do it by themselves
  27. (peer interaction) Simple social play
    talking, smiling, and sharing toys or things
  28. (peer interaction) Cooperative pretend play
    involving sharing a fantasy
  29. Toddlers Social life AND daycare
    Toddlers in day care exhibit social play sooner
  30. Can friendships develop in toddlehood?
    yes with same emotions
  31. 3 main symptons of Autism
    -lack of interest in social relations

    • -abnormal language development
    • *cannot say certain words
    • *may never develop language

    • -repetitive behaviors
    • *celing fan
    • *enjoy stuff spinning
  32. About how many children are affected by Autism?
    1 in 500
  33. How many have Autistic Spectrum disorder?
    4 in 100
  34. Origins of Autism
  35. Can Autism be detetcted during infancy?
  36. Can T.V encourage pro-social behavior?
  37. What is displacement theory and to waht does it apply?
    It applies to children watching T.V instead of doing something more productive
  38. How many hours is recommended for children to watch T.V?
    no more than 2 hours
  39. (growth from age 3 to 6) how many inches and pounds do children typically gain a year?
    2-3 inches 5-7 pounds
  40. (growth from age 3 to 6) What happens to the baby teeth?
    they get replaced by primary teeth
  41. (growth from age 3 to 6) Tooth decay varies through countries (2)
    -in the early years developing countries have more decays

    -in middle years it is the developed chidlrent that have it
  42. (growth from age 3 to 6) Does the brain keep growing or stops?
    it grows gradually
  43. (growth from age 3 to 6) Is frontal lobe growth important during preschool years?
  44. (growth from age 3 to 6) 4 parts of brain that are extremely important
    -corpus callosum



    -reticular formation
  45. (4 parts of brain important) Corpus callosum (2)
    -connects left and right hemispheres of the brain

    -myelination peaks through childhood
  46. (4 parts of brain important) Cerebellum (2)
    -controls balance and motor movements

    • -substantial myelination occurs here also
    • *connects cerebellum and cerebral cortex
    • **this myelination makes child perfomr motor taks
  47. (4 parts of brain important) Hippocampus (2)
    -involved in transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory

    • -infantile amnesia
    • *myelanation isnt completed till age 5 thus cant fully rememeber anything prior
  48. (4 parts of brain important) reticular formation (2)
    -controls attention

    -myelanation is complete by age 5
Card Set
chapter 5 and begining 6