
  1. Stress
    A force that acts on rock change it's volume or shape
  2. Tension
    pulls on the crust stretching rock so it becomes thinner in the middle crust
  3. compression
    squeezes rock until folds or break
  4. shearing
    stress that pushes a mass of rock into opposite directions
  5. normal fault
    tension in earth crusts pulls rock apart causing normal faults
  6. hanging wall
    the block of rock that lies above
  7. Foot wall
    the rock below is called foot wall
  8. reverse faults
    has the same structure as a normal fault but moves together and uses compression
  9. strike slip fault
    using sheering and slip side past each other
  10. anticline
    a fold in rock that bends into an arch
  11. Syncline
    a fold in the rock that bends downward into a valley
  12. Plateau
    is a a large area of land elevated above sea level
  13. earthquake
    is shaking and trembling that results the movement of rock beneath earth's surface
  14. focus
    is the area beneath the Earths surface where rock is under stress breaks and triggers an earthquake
  15. epicenter
    the point on surface directly above the focus
  16. p waves
    the seismic waves that compress and expand the grounds
  17. S waves
    seismic waves that vibrate from side to side and up and down
  18. Surface Waves
    move slow and produce severe ground movements
  19. mercallie scale
    was developed to rate earthquakes damage
  20. magnitude
    is a number that geoligists assign to the earthquake based on the earthquakes size
  21. richter scale
    is a rating on earthquakes magnitude seismic waves
  22. seismograph
    records and measures seismic waves
  23. moment magnitude scale
    measures the energy released in an earthquake
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