Surgical Technology

  1. Amenorrhea
    Absence of menstruation
  2. Cephalopelvic disproportion
    Pelvic outlet is too small for size of fetal head
  3. Conization
    Cone of tissue excised
  4. Dilation
    Expansion of the cervix
  5. Dysmenorrhea
    Painful or difficult menstruation
  6. Ectopic pregnancy
    Fertilized ovum becomes implanted outside the uterus
  7. Elective abortion
    Voluntary termination of a pregnancy
  8. Imminent abortion
    Impending termination of pregnancy
  9. Incompetent cervical os
    A uterine cervix that cannot maintain a small diameter to support the weight of the fetus
  10. Incomplete abortion
    Part of products of conception are retained in the uterus
  11. Infertility
    Inability or diminished ability to produce offspring
  12. Menorrhea
    Excessive bleeding during menstruation
  13. Metrorrhea
    Active uterine bleeding at times other than menstruation
  14. Missed abortion
    Fetus is dead before 20 weeks of gestation and products of conception are retained in the uterus
  15. Placenta previa
    Placenta implants in the lower uterine segment
  16. Presentation
    Position of fetus in uterus
  17. Rubin's test
    Insufflation of the fallopian tubes with carbon dioxide to check for patency
  18. Schiller's test
    A test for superficial cancer of the cervix by painting the tissues with an iodine solution
  19. Abruptio placentae
    Placenta is prematurely spearated from the wall of the uterus
  20. Dee lee suction
    Catheter that clears meconium from neonate
  21. Dystocia
    Difficult labor
  22. Effacement
    Dilation of the cervix
  23. 4 stages of labor
    • 1 - onset of labor to full dilation of cervix
    • 2 - complete dilation of cervix through birth
    • 3 - period following birth, including expulsion of placenta
    • 4 - stabilization of mother's condition
  24. placenta previa
    The placenta is abnormally implanted in the lower uterine segment and may completely cover the cervical os
  25. breech presentation
    buttocks come first
  26. transverse presentation
    fetus lying crosswise
  27. footling presentation
    feet come first
  28. vertex presentation
    upper back of the head comes first
  29. Primipara
    A woman who has delivered one infant
  30. Cervix
    The neck of the uterus; rounded and conical and protrudes into the vagina
  31. External genitalia (vulva) consists of...(6)
    • Mons pubis
    • Labia majora
    • Labia minor
    • Clitoris
    • Bartholin's glands
    • perineum
  32. 4 ligamnets supporting the uterus and fallopian tubes
    • Broad ligament
    • Uterosacral ligament
    • Cardinal ligament
    • Round ligament
  33. Vestiblue
    Space between the labia minora, which is where ducts for bartholin's glands are located
  34. 2 most used incisions for OB/GYN procedures
    • Pfannenstiel (lower transverse incision)
    • Vertical
  35. Cervical cerclage, AKA?
    • Placement of ligatures around cervix to treat incompetent cervical os
    • Shirodkar procedure
  36. Colporrhaphy, AKA?
    • Repair of vaginal defects because of prolapse of the bladder or rectum
    • Anterior/posterior vaginal repair
  37. Rectocele
    Rectum has prolapsed into the vaginal vault
  38. Enterocele
    Hernia of intestine through vagina
  39. Cystocele
    Bladder hernia into the vagina
  40. LAVH
    • Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy
    • Excision of the uterus through the vagina using laparoscopic technique
  41. Oophorocystectomy
    Removal of an ovarian cyst
  42. pelvic exenteration
    Removal of vagina, uterus, and cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder and rectum for recurrent carcinoma
  43. Salpingectomy
    Removal of a fallopian tube
  44. Salpingo-oophorectomy
    Excision of ovary and fallopian tube
  45. Total abdominal hysterectomy
    Surgical removal of the uterus, including the ceervix, through an abdominal incision
  46. Vaginoplasty
    Plastic surgery on the vagina
  47. Amniocentesis
    Aspiration of the amniotic fluid under ultrasound guidance to detect disorders, maternal-fetal blood incompatibility, and fetal maturity
  48. Colposcopy
    Examination and biopsy of the cervix and vagina for histological examination and diagnosis
  49. colpotomy
    incision into the wall of the vagina to facilitate diagnosis and inspection of the pelvic organs and to determine the presence of fluid, blood,or pus in the pouch of Douglas
  50. Culdocentesis
    Insertion of a spinal needle into the posterior vaginal cul-de-sac for aspirtion of material for diagnostic or therapeutic reasons
  51. Culdoscopy
    Endoscopic visualization of pelvic organs with an endoscope
  52. Hysterosalpingography
    Injection of a water-soluble radiopaque dye into the cervical canal to study the structure and function of the uterus and tubes to evaluate infertility
  53. Rubin's test
    Introduction of carbon dioxide into the uterocervical canal to check for tubal patency to evaluate for infertility
  54. Schiller's test
    Staining the vaginal vault and cervical squamous epithelium with iodine (Lugol's) solution to pinpoint abnormal tissues
  55. Abdominal cerclage
    A stitch around the lower part of the uterus through an abdominal incision
  56. McDonald procedure
    A purse-=string stitch around the cervix to cinch it together
  57. Shirodkar procedure
    A purse-string stitch around the cervix underneath the skin
  58. Why is a cerclage done?
    Incompetent cervical os
  59. Why is a cervical conization done? (3)
    • Cervical neoplasms
    • Cervical cancer
    • Chronic cervical inflammation
  60. Why is a c-section done? (3)
    • Uterine dystocia
    • Fetal distress
    • Failure to progress in labor
  61. Why is a colporrhaphy done? (4)
    • Cystocele
    • Enterocele
    • Rectocele
    • Urethrocystocele
  62. Why is a D&C done? (7)
    • Endometrial hyperplasia
    • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
    • Dysmenorrhea
    • Polyps
    • Diagnostic
    • Evacuation of retained placenta
    • Follows incomplete abortion
  63. Why is a hysteroscopy done? (5)
    • Menorrhagia
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Polyps
    • Intrauterine adhesions
    • Submucous myomas
  64. Why is uterine ablation done?
  65. Why is LAVH done? (5)
    • Uterine prolapse
    • Pelvic relaxation'
    • Myoma
    • Irregular bleeding
    • Premalignant lesions
  66. Why is myomectomy done? (3)
    • Fibroid tumors
    • Dysmenorrhea
    • Anemia secondary to uterine bleeding
  67. Why is marsupialization of bartholin's cyst done? (3)
    • Obstruction of the secretory duct of bartholin's gland
    • Trauma
    • Various infections
  68. Why is a oophorectomy done? (4)
    • Ovarian cysts
    • Prophylaxis
    • Endometriosis
    • Cancer
  69. Why is pelvic exenteration done? (1)
  70. Why is salpingectomy done? (7)
    • Endometriosis
    • Pelvic inflammatory disease
    • Cysts
    • Occlusive disease
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Salpingocele
    • Tubal abscess
  71. Why is a total abdominal hysterectomy done? (6)
    • Cancer
    • Hemorrhage
    • Leiomyofibroma
    • Menomentrorrhagia
    • Uterine prolapse
    • Endometriosis
  72. Why is a vaginoplasty done? (6)
    • Congenital defect
    • Stenosis
    • Vaginal atresia
    • Trauma
    • Cancer
    • Trans-sexual surgery
  73. Why is vaginal hysterectomy done? (5)
    • Uterine prolapse
    • Myomas
    • Pelvic relaxation
    • Menometrorrhagia
    • Cancer
  74. Why is vulvectomy done? (3)
    • Benign tumors
    • Vulvar cancer
    • Melanomas
Card Set
Surgical Technology
ST OB/GYN procedures