Exam 1 - Chapter 3 - Apologetic Method

  1. Laws of logic
    The law of non-contradiction.
    • Nothing can both be and not be at the same time in the same respect.
    • God is consistent and cannot life.
  2. The law of excluded middle.
    • Any factual statement in its denial cannot both be true.
    • Example – either Jehovah is Lord or he is not the Lord.
    • Either Buddha was enlightened or he was not.
  3. The law of bivalence
    Any ambiguous declaration statement is either true or false– not neither true nor false and not both true and false.
  4. The law of identity
    • Something is what it is.
    • Example: a = a
  5. Major worldviews:
    • Monotheism
    • Deism
    • Dualism
    • Polytheism
    • Pantheism
    • Naturalism
  6. Offensive apologetics
    To evaluate that worldview against appropriate criteria in order to show its logical deficiencies in relation to Christianity.
  7. Defensive apologetics
    If a genuine objection is brought against Christianity that challenge should be rebutted.
  8. Constructive apologetics
    Builds a case for Christian theism by arguing that Christianity bet fits the appropriate criteria for worldview assessment.
  9. Criteria for worldview evaluation:
    • 1 It explains what it ought to explain
    • 2 Internal logical consistency
    • 3 Coherence
    • 4 Factual adequacy
    • 5 Essential viability
    • 6 Intellectual and cultural Fecundity
    • 7 Radical ad hoc readjustment
    • 8 Simpler explanations are preferable to unnecessarilyy complex ones.
  10. Fideism
    • An attempt to protect Christian faith against the assault on reason by means of intellectual insulation and isolation.
    • Needs no intellectual fortification form the classical arsenal of apologetics.
  11. Presuppositionalism
    • A school apologetics influenced by reformed
    • Christianity that rejects the tools of classical apologetics.
    • Unless we presuppose a Christian worldview, we have no reason to trust our rational faculties.
  12. Reformed Epistemology
    • Alvin Plantinga
    • The believer can have a warrant for his or her belief
    • without having evidence for the belief.
  13. Limits of Apologetics
    • The Bible is a long, ancient and sometimes perplexing book.
    • Apologetics is limited not only by the difficulty of the subject itself, but by the weaknesses of the subjects who practice it – us.
    • If we fall short as apologists, this does not mean that Christianity is untrue or irrational.
    • Apologetics must be understood within the framework of God's secret councils.
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Exam 1 - Chapter 3 - Apologetic Method
Chapter 3