IN Chapter 5

  1. tightly controls conditions to eliminate bias and ensure that findings can be generalized that findings can be generalizable to similar groups of subjects.
    Experiment Study
  2. p= Patient population of interest
          Identify Patients
    i= Intervention of intrest
        Which intervention is worthwhile
    c= Comparison of interest
         What is usual standard of core used now?
    o= Outcome
          What result do you wish to receive
    t= Time
         How much time is needed to acheve outcome?
    PICOT Question
  3. The study of phenomena that are difficult to quantify or categorize such as patients' perceptions of illness
    Qualitative Nursing Research
  4. Systematically developed statements about a plan of care for a specific set of clinical circumstances involving a specific patient population
    Clinical Guidelines
  5. Opinion of a researcher that can influence the result of research
  6. The study of nursong phenomena that offers precise measurment and quantification.
    (Would Healing is measurable so you can do Quantitative reasearch for dressings.)
    Quantitative Nursing Reasearch
  7. Problem-solving approach to clinical practice that integrates the conscientious use of best evidence in compo with a clinician's expertise and patient preferences and values in making decisions about patient care
    Evidence-based Practice
  8. Research subjects: are given full information
    -are capable of fully understanding
    -have the power of free choice
    -understands how the researcher mantains confidentiality
    Informed Consent
  9. Educated guess
  10. A way to identify new knowledge, improve professional education and practice, and use resources effectively
    Nursing Research
  11. The foundation of reasearch and the most reliable and objective of all methods of going knowledge

    Hypothisis, research, theory
    Scientific Method
  12. Develop generalizations or theories from specific observations or interviews
    Inductive Reasoning
  13. Article reviewed by a panel of experts familiar with the topic or subject matter
  14. Concepts, characteristics, or traits that cary within or among subjects
  15. True, able to prove
  16. A form of quantitative research the determines how well a program, practice, procedure, or policy is working
    Evaluation Research
  17. Organization analyzes current performance and uses results to develop improvement actions
    Performance Improovement
  18. An orderly series of steps that allow a research to move from asking the research question to finding the answer

    Identifying a problem
    Coming up w/a reasonable guess
    Conduct Research
    Prove or Disprove the Theory
    Research Process
  19. Through the use of observations and assessments and use data to discover new knowledge
    Empirical Data
Card Set
IN Chapter 5
IN Chapter 5