Actionscript 3

  1. Public Properties - currentFrame : int
    Specifies the number of the frame in which the playhead is located in the timeline of the MovieClip instance.
  2. Public Properties - currentLabel : String
    The current label in which the playhead is located in the timeline of the MovieClip instance.
  3. Public Properties - currentLabels : Array
    Returns an array of FrameLabel objects from the current scene.
  4. Public Properties - currentScene : Scene
    The current scene in which the playhead is located in the timeline of the MovieClip instance.
  5. Public Properties - enabled : Boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether a movie clip is enabled.
  6. Public Properties - framesLoaded : int
    The number of frames that are loaded from a streaming SWF file.
  7. Public Properties - scenes : Array
    An array of Scene objects, each listing the name, the number of frames, and the frame labels for a scene in the MovieClip instance.
  8. Public Properties - totalFrames : int
    The total number of frames in the MovieClip instance.
  9. Public Properties - trackAsMenu : Boolean
    Indicates whether other display objects that are SimpleButton or MovieClip objects can receive mouse release events.
  10. Public Methods - MovieClip()
    Creates a new MovieClip instance.
  11. Public Methods - gotoAndPlay(frame:Object, scene:String = null):void
    Starts playing the SWF file at the specified frame.
  12. Public Methods - gotoAndStop(frame:Object, scene:String = null):void
    Brings the playhead to the specified frame of the movie clip and stops it there.
  13. Public Methods - nextFrame():void
    Sends the playhead to the next frame and stops it.
  14. Public Methods - nextScene():void
    Moves the playhead to the next scene of the MovieClip instance.
  15. Public Methods - play():void
    Moves the playhead in the timeline of the movie clip.
  16. Public Methods - prevFrame():void
    Sends the playhead to the previous frame and stops it.
  17. Public Methods - prevScene():void
    Moves the playhead to the previous scene of the MovieClip instance.
  18. Public Methods - stop():void
    Stops the playhead in the movie clip.
  19. Inherited Events - activate
    Dispatched when Flash Player or an AIR application gains operating system focus and becomes active.
  20. Inherited Events - added
    Dispatched when a display object is added to the display list.
  21. Inherited Events - addedToStage
    Dispatched when a display object is added to the on stage display list, either directly or through the addition of a sub tree in which the display object is contained.
  22. Inherited Events - click
    Dispatched when a user presses and releases the main button of the user's pointing device over the same InteractiveObject.
  23. Inherited Events - contextMenu
    Dispatched when the user selects the context menu associated with this interactive object in an AIR application.
  24. Inherited Events - deactivate
    Dispatched when Flash Player or an AIR application loses operating system focus and is becoming inactive.
  25. Inherited Events - doubleClick
    ispatched when a user presses and releases the main button of a pointing device twice in rapid succession over the same InteractiveObject when that object's doubleClickEnabled flag is set to true.
  26. Inherited Events - enterFrame
    Dispatched when the playhead is entering a new frame.
  27. Inherited Events - focusIn
    Dispatched after a display object gains focus.
  28. Inherited Events - focusOut
    Dispatched after a display object loses focus.
  29. Inherited Events - keyDown
    Dispatched when the user presses a key.
  30. Inherited Events - keyFocusChange
    Dispatched when the user attempts to change focus by using keyboard navigation.
  31. Inherited Events - keyUp
    Dispatched when the user releases a key.
  32. Inherited Events - middleClick
    Dispatched when a user presses and releases the middle button of the user's pointing device over the same InteractiveObject.
  33. Inherited Events - middleMouseDown
    Dispatched when a user presses the middle pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
  34. Inherited Events - middleMouseUp
    Dispatched when a user releases the pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
  35. Inherited Events - mouseDown
    Dispatched when a user presses the pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
  36. Inherited Events - mouseFocusChange
    Dispatched when the user attempts to change focus by using a pointer device.
  37. Inherited Events - mouseMove
    Dispatched when a user moves the pointing device while it is over an InteractiveObject.
  38. Inherited Events - mouseOut
    Dispatched when the user moves a pointing device away from an InteractiveObject instance.
  39. Inherited Events - mouseOver
    Dispatched when the user moves a pointing device over an InteractiveObject instance.
  40. Inherited Events - mouseUp
    Dispatched when a user releases the pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
  41. Inherited Events - mouseWheel
    Dispatched when a mouse wheel is spun over an InteractiveObject instance.
  42. Inherited Events - nativeDragComplete
    Dispatched by the drag initiator InteractiveObject when the user releases the drag gesture.
  43. Inherited Events - nativeDragDrop
    Dispatched by the target InteractiveObject when a dragged object is dropped on it and the drop has been accepted with a call to DragManager.acceptDragDrop().
  44. Inherited Events - nativeDragEnter
    Dispatched by an InteractiveObject when a drag gesture enters its boundary.
  45. Inherited Events - nativeDragExit
    Dispatched by an InteractiveObject when a drag gesture leaves its boundary.
  46. Inherited Events - nativeDragOver
    Dispatched by an InteractiveObject continually while a drag gesture remains within its boundary.
  47. Inherited Events - nativeDragStart
    Dispatched at the beginning of a drag operation by the InteractiveObject that is specified as the drag initiator in the DragManager.doDrag() call.
  48. Inherited Events - nativeDragUpdate
    Dispatched during a drag operation by the InteractiveObject that is specified as the drag initiator in the DragManager.doDrag() call.
  49. Inherited Events - removed
    Dispatched when a display object is about to be removed from the display list.
  50. Inherited Events - removedFromStage
    Dispatched when a display object is about to be removed from the display list, either directly or through the removal of a sub tree in which the display object is contained.
  51. Inherited Events - render
    Dispatched when the display list is about to be updated and rendered.
  52. Inherited Events - rightClick
    Dispatched when a user presses and releases the right button of the user's pointing device over the same InteractiveObject.
  53. Inherited Events - rightMouseDown
    Dispatched when a user presses the pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
  54. Inherited Events - rightMouseUp
    Dispatched when a user releases the pointing device button over an InteractiveObject instance.
  55. Inherited Events - rollOut
    Dispatched when the user moves a pointing device away from an InteractiveObject instance.
  56. Inherited Events - rollOver
    Dispatched when the user moves a pointing device over an InteractiveObject instance.
  57. Inherited Events - tabChildrenChange
    Dispatched when the value of the object's tabChildren flag changes.
  58. Inherited Events - tabEnabledChange
    Dispatched when the object's tabEnabled flag changes.
  59. Inherited Events - tabIndexChange
    Dispatched when the value of the object's tabIndex property changes.
  60. Inherited Public Properties - accessibilityProperties : AccessibilityProperties
    The current accessibility options for this display object.
  61. Inherited Public Properties - alpha : Number
    Indicates the alpha transparency value of the object specified.
  62. Inherited Public Properties - blendMode : String
    A value from the BlendMode class that specifies which blend mode to use.
  63. Inherited Public Properties - buttonMode : Boolean
    Specifies the button mode of this sprite.
  64. Inherited Public Properties - cacheAsBitmap : Boolean
    If set to true, Flash Player or Adobe AIR caches an internal bitmap representation of the display object.
  65. Inherited Public Properties - constructor : Object
    A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  66. Inherited Public Properties - contextMenu : NativeMenu
    Specifies the context menu associated with this object.
  67. Inherited Public Properties - doubleClickEnabled : Boolean
    Specifies whether the object receives doubleClick events.
  68. Inherited Public Properties - dropTarget : DisplayObject
    Specifies the display object over which the sprite is being dragged, or on which the sprite was dropped.
  69. Inherited Public Properties - filters : Array
    An indexed array that contains each filter object currently associated with the display object.
  70. Inherited Public Properties - focusRect : Object
    Specifies whether this object displays a focus rectangle.
  71. Inherited Public Properties - graphics : Graphics
    Specifies the Graphics object that belongs to this sprite where vector drawing commands can occur.
  72. Inherited Public Properties - height : Number
    Indicates the height of the display object, in pixels.
  73. Inherited Public Properties - hitArea : Sprite
    Designates another sprite to serve as the hit area for a sprite.
  74. Inherited Public Properties - loaderInfo : LoaderInfo
    Returns a LoaderInfo object containing information about loading the file to which this display object belongs.
  75. Inherited Public Properties - mask : DisplayObject
    The calling display object is masked by the specified mask object.
  76. Inherited Public Properties - mouseChildren : Boolean
    Determines whether or not the children of the object are mouse enabled.
  77. Inherited Public Properties - mouseEnabled : Boolean
    Specifies whether this object receives mouse messages.
  78. Inherited Public Properties - mouseX : Number
    Indicates the x coordinate of the mouse position, in pixels.
  79. Inherited Public Propeties - mouseY : Number
    Indicates the y coordinate of the mouse position, in pixels.
  80. Inherited Public Properties - name : String
    Indicates the instance name of the DisplayObject.
  81. Inherited Public Properties - numChildren : int
    Returns the number of children of this object.
  82. Inherited Public Properties - opaqueBackground : Object
    Specifies whether the display object is opaque with a certain background color.
  83. Inherited Public Properties - parent : DisplayObjectContainer
    Indicates the DisplayObjectContainer object that contains this display object.
  84. Inherited Public Properties - prototype : Object
    A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object.
  85. Inherited Public Properties - root : DisplayObject
    For a display object in a loaded SWF file, the root property is the top-most display object in the portion of the display list's tree structure represented by that SWF file.
  86. Inherited Public Properties - rotation : Number
    Indicates the rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation.
  87. Inherited Public Properties - scale9Grid : Rectangle
    The current scaling grid that is in effect.
  88. Inherited Public Properties - scaleX : Number
    Indicates the horizontal scale (percentage) of the object as applied from the registration point.
  89. Inherited Public Properties - scaleY : Number
    Indicates the vertical scale (percentage) of an object as applied from the registration point of the object.
  90. Inherited Public Properties - scrollRect : Rectangle
    The scroll rectangle bounds of the display object.
  91. Inherited Public Properties - soundTransform : SoundTransform
    Controls sound within this sprite.
  92. Inherited Public Properties - stage : Stage
    The Stage of the display object.
  93. Inherited Public Properties - tabChildren : Boolean
    Determines whether the children of the object are tab enabled.
  94. Inherited Public Properties - tabEnabled : Boolean
    Specifies whether this object is in the tab order.
  95. Inherited Public Properties - tabIndex : int
    Specifies the tab ordering of objects in a SWF file.
  96. Inherited Public Properties - textSnapshot : TextSnapshot
    Returns a TextSnapshot object for this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
  97. Inherited Public Properties - transform : Transform
    An object with properties pertaining to a display object's matrix, color transform, and pixel bounds.
  98. Inherited Public Properties - useHandCursor : Boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether the pointing hand (hand cursor) appears when the mouse rolls over a sprite in which the buttonMode property is set to true.
  99. Inherited Public Properties - visible : Boolean
    Whether or not the display object is visible.
  100. Inherited Public Properties - width : Number
    Indicates the width of the display object, in pixels.
  101. Inherited Public Properties - x : Number
    Indicates the x coordinate of the DisplayObject instance relative to the local coordinates of the parent DisplayObjectContainer.
  102. Inherited Public Properties - y : Number
    Indicates the y coordinate of the DisplayObject instance relative to the local coordinates of the parent DisplayObjectContainer.
  103. Inherited Public Methods - addChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
    Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
  104. Inherited Public Methods - addChildAt(child:DisplayObject, index:int):DisplayObject
    Adds a child DisplayObject instance to this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
  105. Inherited Public Methods - addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
    Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
  106. Inherited Public Methods - areInaccessibleObjectsUnderPoint(point:Point):Boolean
    Indicates whether the security restrictions would cause any display objects to be omitted from the list returned by calling the DisplayObjectContainer.getObjectsUnderPoint() method with the specified point point.
  107. Inherited Public Methods - contains(child:DisplayObject):Boolean
    Determines whether the specified display object is a child of the DisplayObjectContainer instance or the instance itself.
  108. Inherited Public Methods - dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean
    Dispatches an event into the event flow.
  109. Inherited Public Methods - getBounds(targetCoordinateSpace:DisplayObject):Rectangle
    Returns a rectangle that defines the area of the display object relative to the coordinate system of the targetCoordinateSpace object.
  110. Inherited Public Methods - getChildAt(index:int):DisplayObject
    Returns the child display object instance that exists at the specified index.
  111. Inherited Public Methods - getChildByName(name:String):DisplayObject
    Returns the child display object that exists with the specified name.
  112. Inherited Public Methods - getChildIndex(child:DisplayObject):int
    Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance.
  113. Inherited Public Methods - getObjectsUnderPoint(point:Point):Array
    Returns an array of objects that lie under the specified point and are children (or grandchildren, and so on) of this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
  114. Inherited Public Methods - getRect(targetCoordinateSpace:DisplayObject):Rectangle
    Returns a rectangle that defines the boundary of the display object, based on the coordinate system defined by the targetCoordinateSpace parameter, excluding any strokes on shapes.
  115. Inherited Public Methods - globalToLocal(point:Point):Point
    Converts the point object from the Stage (global) coordinates to the display object's (local) coordinates.
  116. Inherited Public Methods - hasEventListener(type:String):Boolean
    Checks whether the EventDispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type of event.
  117. Inherited Public Methods - hasOwnProperty(name:String):Boolean
    Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
  118. Inherited Public Methods - hitTestObject(obj:DisplayObject):Boolean
    Evaluates the display object to see if it overlaps or intersects with the obj display object.
  119. Inherited Public Methods - hitTestPoint(x:Number, y:Number, shapeFlag:Boolean = false):Boolean
    Evaluates the display object to see if it overlaps or intersects with the point specified by the x and y parameters.
  120. Inherited Public Methods - isPrototypeOf(theClass:Object):Boolean
    Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
  121. Inherited Public Methods - localToGlobal(point:Point):Point
    Converts the point object from the display object's (local) coordinates to the Stage (global) coordinates.
  122. Inherited Public Methods - propertyIsEnumerable(name:String):Boolean
    Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
  123. Inherited Public Methods - removeChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
    Removes the specified child DisplayObject instance from the child list of the DisplayObjectContainer instance.
  124. Inherited Public Methods - removeChildAt(index:int):DisplayObject
    Removes a child DisplayObject from the specified index position in the child list of the DisplayObjectContainer.
  125. Inherited Public Methods - removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
    Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.
  126. Inherited Public Methods - setChildIndex(child:DisplayObject, index:int):void
    Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container.
  127. Inherited Public Methods - setPropertyIsEnumerable(name:String, isEnum:Boolean = true):void
    Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
  128. Inherited Public Methods - startDrag(lockCenter:Boolean = false, bounds:Rectangle = null):void
    Lets the user drag the specified sprite.
  129. Inherited Public Methods - stopDrag():void
    Ends the startDrag() method.
  130. Inherited Public Methods - swapChildren(child1:DisplayObject, child2:DisplayObject):void
    Swaps the z-order (front-to-back order) of the two specified child objects.
  131. Inherited Public Methods - swapChildrenAt(index1:int, index2:int):void
    Swaps the z-order (front-to-back order) of the child objects at the two specified index positions in the child list.
  132. Inherited Public Methods - toString():String
    Returns the string representation of the specified object.
  133. Inherited Public Methods - valueOf():Object
    Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
  134. Inherited Public Methods - willTrigger(type:String):Boolean
    Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type.
  135. Package - Top Level
    The top level contains the core ActionScript classes and global functions.
  136. Package - adobe.utils
    The adobe.utils package contains functions and classes used by Flash authoring tool developers.
  137. Package -
    The package contains classes for network detection. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime. It is included in the ServiceMonitor.swc file (for SWF-based application developers) and ServiceMonitor.swf file (for HTML-based AIR application developers).
  138. Package - fl.accessibility
    The fl.accessibility package contains classes for supporting accessibility in the Flash components.
  139. Package - fl.containers
    The fl.containers package contains classes which load content or other components.
  140. Package - fl.controls
    The fl.controls package contains top-level component classes such as List, Button, and ProgressBar.
  141. Package - fl.controls.dataGridClasses
    The fl.controls.dataGridClasses package contains classes that the DataGrid component uses to maintain and display information.
  142. Package - fl.controls.listClasses
    The fl.controls.listClasses package contains classes that list components use to maintain and display data.
  143. Package - fl.controls.progressBarClasses
    The fl.controls.progressBarClasses package contains classes that are specific to the ProgressBar component.
  144. Package - fl.core
    The fl.core package contains classes related to all components.
  145. Package -
    The package contains classes that deal with data that is associated with a component.
  146. Package -
    The package contains event classes specific to the components.
  147. Package - fl.lang
    The fl.lang package contains the Locale class, which supports multilanguage text.
  148. Package - fl.livepreview
    The fl.livepreview package contains classes specific to a component's live preview behavior in the Flash authoring environment.
  149. Package - fl.managers
    The fl.managers package contains classes that manage the relationship between a component and a user.
  150. Package - fl.motion
    The fl.motion package contains functions and classes used to define a motion tween.
  151. Package - fl.motion.easing
    The fl.motion.easing package contains classes that can be used with the fl.motion classes to create easing effects.
  152. Package - fl.transitions
    The fl.transitions package contains classes that let you use ActionScript to create animation effects.
  153. Package - fl.transitions.easing
    The fl.transitions.easing package contains classes that can be used with the fl.transitions classes to create easing effects.
  154. Package -
    The package contains classes for working with the FLVPlayback and FLVPlaybackCaptioning components.
  155. Package - flash.accessibility
    The flash.accessibility package contains classes for supporting accessibility in Flash content and applications.
  156. Package -
    The package contains classes used for working with Adobe AIR local SQL databases.
  157. Package - flash.desktop
    The flash.desktop package contains classes used for copy-and-paste and drag-and-drop operations, as well as the Icon class, used to define system icons used by a file. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime.
  158. Package - flash.display
    The flash.display package contains the core classes that the Flash Player uses to build visual displays.
  159. Package - flash.errors
    The flash.errors package contains a set of commonly used error classes.
  160. Package -
    The package supports the new DOM event model and includes the EventDispatcher base class.
  161. Package - flash.external
    The flash.external package contains the ExternalInterface class which can be used to communicate with the Flash Player's container.
  162. Package - flash.filesystem
    The flash.filesystem package contains classes used in accessing the filesystem. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime.
  163. Package - flash.filters
    The flash.filters package contains classes for bitmap filter effects.
  164. Package - flash.geom
    The flash.geom package contains geometry classes, such as points, rectangles and transformation matrixes, to support the BitmapData class and the bitmap caching feature.
  165. Package - flash.html
    The flash.html package contains classes used for including HTML content in an AIR application. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime.
  166. Package -
    The package contains classes for working with multimedia assets such as sound and video.
  167. Package -
    The package contains classes for sending and receiving from the network, such as URL downloading and Flash Remoting.
  168. Package - flash.printing
    The flash.printing package contains classes for printing Flash-based content.
  169. Package - flash.profiler
    The flash.profiler package contains functions used for debugging and profiling ActionScript code.
  170. Package - flash.sampler
    The flash.sampler package contains methods and classes for tracking procedure calls so that you can profile memory usage and optimize applications.
  171. Package -
    The package includes classes for validating XML signatures. This package is only available to content running in the AIR runtime.
  172. Package - flash.system
    The flash.system package contains classes for accessing system-level functionality, such as security, multilanguage content, etc.
  173. Package - flash.text
    The flash.text package contains classes for working with text fields, text formatting, text metrics, style sheets, and layout.
  174. Package - flash.ui
    The flash.ui package contains user interface classes, such as classes for interacting with the mouse and keyboard.
  175. Package - flash.utils
    The flash.utils package contains utility classes, such as data structures like ByteArray.
  176. Package - flash.xml
    The flash.xml package contains Flash Player's legacy XML support, and other Flash Player-specific XML functionality.
  177. Classes - Accessibility
    The Accessibility class manages communication with screen readers. (uses flash.accessibility package)
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Actionscript 3
Official script language for adobe flash.