History 2/21/13

  1. What was the Old Regime?
    • socio-political system, in the 18th century
    • absolutism
    • the estates
  2. The First estate
    • 130 thousand
    • important members of the Church
    • Privileged class- no taxes, treated well
    • moral obligation
    • support monarch
  3. The Second estate
    • 110 thousand
    • Nobles
    • Privileged class- no taxes, treated well
    • support monarch
  4. The Third estate
    • 25 million
    • Everyone else- like peasants 
    • Unprivileged class- paid taxes, treated badly
    • pay all taxes
  5. Type of thinking used by the philosophes
    • secular thinking
    • logic and reason
  6. Long-term causes of the
    French Revolution?
    • Absolutism 
    • Poor harvest
    • Enlightenment philosophes
  7. Short-term causes of
    the French Revolution?
    • Bankruptcy
    • Taxation nobility
  8. Paris building was stormed
    • Bastille
    • July 14, 1789
  9. What human rights were established in
    France by the Declaration of
    the Rights of Man?
    • Life
    • Liberty
    • Property 
    • Equal Protection by law
    • Freedom of Speech
  10. Name and describe the two political parties
    that competed for power in revolutionary France
    • Girondists
    • Jacobins
  11. What was the Committee of Public Safety?
    Group of people who were suppose to be protecting the people

    • Robespierre ruled and became,
    • the reign of terror
  12. Describe the Reign of Terror and explain how it eventually came to an
    • people were being trialed to see if were helping the revolution
    • it ended July 28,1794, when Robespierre went to the guillotine.
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History 2/21/13