PLAN 2005 Feb 20 Parks

  1. What is the municipal purpose of Park Classification
    • Intended to help in HRM investment decision making
    • Helps to establish Service Delivery Goals
    • Helps to apply context of everyday recreation land use into community design.
  2. Park Dedication is the prescriptive policy to
    • Acquire the land
    • Define the boundaries of the public realm
    • Initiate the built form
  3. What is the purpose of the Subdivision Application Process?
    Prepare a municipal recommendation on a proposed subdivision of land development based on current policy and sound planning principles
  4. What are the stages of park planning
    • Concept Stage
    • Tentative Stage
    • Final Stage
  5. What is the Concept Stage?
    • Research inventory
    • Obtain Schedule B (What HRM is eligible for)
    • Understand utility requirements (water, sewer)
    • Consider form of Park Dedication 
    • (Land or monetary)
  6. What goes on in the Tentative Stage of park planning?
    • Compare with approved concept plan
    • Research updated inventory
    • If it's to be Land
    • -Location to be identified on engineering drawings
    • -confirm location relative to engineering criteria
    • -confirm site design if applicable
    • -site visits require
    • Confirm cash value
  7. What goes on in the Final Stage of park planning?
    • Compare with approved Tentative Plan
    • Confirm any updated inventory
    • If it's land
    • -Confirm location relative to engineering criteria
    • -Confirm, if applicable, site prep or site development
    • -Attend pre-construction meeting with contractor
    • -Site visits required
  8. What does "Park Dedication" mean?
    • A useable parcel of land for public purposes
    • -useable means a parcel of land which meets the requirements of section 83 (RSBL) is free of encumberances
  9. What are Encumbrances
    Legal, environmental, or physical constraints on the property that may limit its use and management or present unreasonable development or remediation costs to the Municipality
  10. What are Site Improvements?
    • The construction required to eliminate any environmental or physical encumbrances on the land to be provided as the park dedication
    • Developer doesn't get credit
  11. What are Site Developments
    • ex. a playground built in a park
    • Developments that are done within park areas
    • Credit can be given to developers
  12. What are the Environmentally Sensitive Areas
    • Private or public open space that is identified, designated or protected by a local, provincial, territorial, national, or international public agency as ecologically, culturally or archeologically significant
    • Lands with the primary function to conserve habitats
  13. What does Section 83.5 illustrate?
    Exception to environmentally sensitive area rules when the existence of significant environmental and cultural things provide an opportunity for public access and interpretation.
  14. What is CPTED?
    Crime prevention through environmental design

    • Natural Surveillance
    • Territorial Reinforcement
    • Natural Access Control
    • Target Hardening
  15. How do you apply the 10% Park Dedication?
    Subdivision By-law
  16. When do parks succeed?
    • The land provides character
    • The public realm is clear and visible
    • The built form is vibrant
    • Activities and programs are good
  17. What do park Planners need to do?
    • Understand the layers as a sustainability filter
    • Understand what's in the inventory
    • Understand what HRM is eligible for
    • Focus on quality vs quantity
    • Get out on the land and explore
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PLAN 2005 Feb 20 Parks