Kinematics terms

  1. Distance
    physical meaning, scalar or vector, defining equation (if any), units
    • How far you go
    • scalar
    • no defining equation
    • meters
  2. Displacement
    physical meaning, scalar or vector, defining equation (if any), units (linear, quadratic or constant with respect to time)
    • how far you end up from the origin, including direction
    • vector
    • (xf - xi)
    • meters
    • vertical position changes quadratically with time
  3. speed
    physical meaning, scalar or vector, defining equation (if any), units
    • how fast you are going, not including direction
    • scalar
    • change in distance/time
    • m/s
  4. velocity
    physical meaning, scalar or vector, defining equation (if any), units, (linear, quadratic or constant with respect to time)
    • speed including direction
    • vector
    • (change in displacement)/time
    • m/s
    • vertical velocity changes linearly with time
  5. acceleration
    physical meaning, scalar or vector, defining equation (if any), units
    • Speed of change of velocity, including direction
    • vector
    • (change in velocity)/time
    • m/s2
  6. scalar
    has only magnitude or size
  7. vector
    has magnitude and direction
  8. free fall
    when an object is subjected only to the force of gravity (dropped, thrown upward or thrown downward).  a=g=9.8m/s2
Card Set
Kinematics terms
physics test 1