CDO 402 Common Procedures for Assessment

  1. Most Common Procedures
    • Speech & Language Sampling
    • Determining eligibility
    • Evaluating Rate of Speech
    • Oral-Facial Examination
    • Assessing _______________________
  2. Speech & Language Sampling
    • Job:Get a representational sample of the client’s verbal communication pattern
    • Follow Language sample rules
    • Use the “language” sample as a basis of looking at “speech” production in context
  3. Speech Intelligibility
    • A measure of the ability of a listener to understand the speech used.
    • Two ways to measure
    • Rating scale (see AHSA handout)
    • Percent of intelligible words in a speech sample
    • % =Total number of intelligible words / Total number of words spoken
  4. General Intelligibility Rating
    • Prosody
    • 7 point intelligibility scale
    • 1.Intelligible
    • 2.Listener attention needed
    • 3.Occasional repetition of words required
    • 4.Repetitions/rephrasing necessary
    • 5.Isolated words understood
    • 6.Occasionally understood
    • 7.Unintelligible
  5. What influences Intelligibility?
    • he number and type of sound errors
    • Vowel errors
    • Rate of speech
    • Prosody errors
    • The type of words that are being used
    • Speech fluency
    • Loudness of speech
    • Inconsistent errors
    • Lack of non-linguistic cues
    • Level of fatigue and anxiety
  6. Speech Rate Data
    • Best measured in Syllables Per Minute (SPM)
    • Syllables per minute
    • Age 6   = 140 - 175 SPM
    • Age 8   = 150 - 180 SPM
    • Age 10 = 165 - 215 SPM
    • Age 12 = 165 - 220 SPM
  7. Evaluation for Apraxia
    • speed, accuracy, sequencing of movements
    • of articulators for both speech and nonspeech movements
    • Oral apraxia
    • -Nonspeech movements like puff out cheeks, lick lips
    • Speech apraxia
    • -Repetition of words with increasing complexity
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CDO 402 Common Procedures for Assessment
common procedures for assessment