Three ways you are made in the image of God
- God gives us the gifts ofÂ
- our soul
- our intellect
- our free will
our spiritual principle, it is immortal and it is what makes us most like God. Our soul is created by God, and he unites it with our physical body at the moment of conception. The soul is the seat of human consciousness and freedom.
the divine gift that gives us the ability to see and understand the order of things that God places within creation and to know and understand God through the created order
Free will
the gift from God that allows human beings to choosde from among various actions, for which we are held accountable; the basis for moral responsibility
Original sin
- the sin of the first human beings, who disobeyed GOd's command by choosing to follow their own will and so lost their original holiness and became subject to death
- the fallen state of human nature that affects every person born into the world
original holiness
the original state of human beings in their relationship with God, sharing in the divine life in full communion with him
Original Justice
the state of complete harmony that our first parents had with their inner self, with each other, and with all creation
the inclination towards sin caused by the effects of original sin
Salvation History
the pattern of specific salvific events in human history that reveal God's presence and saving actions
Paschal Mystery
how Jesus saves us from sin and death through his suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension
our vocation as Christians, the goal of our existence. It is true blessedness or happiness that we experience partially here on earth and perfectly in heaven
process by which God frees us from sin and sanctifies us
the process of becoming closer to God and growing in holiness, taking on the righteousness of Jesus Christ with the gift of sanctifying grace
God's reward to those who love him and follow Christ's Law of Love
the doctrine or system by which actions are judged to be good or evil
God's calling for us in our lives that will lead us to holiness
Christians of different faith traditions coming together