Ch.16 Questions

  1. Importance of mesenterie?
    • Support and stabilize organs in abdominopelvic cavity
    • Provide route for blood vessels, nerves and lympahtic vessels of digestive tract
  2. Process more effecitient in propelling intestinal contents from one place to another
    • Peristalsis: propells contents down tract
    • Segmentation: mixes intestinal contents with digestive fluids
  3. What effect would a drug that blocks parasympathetic stimulation of the digestive tract have on peristalsis?
    Decrease rate of parastalsis
  4. Type of epithelium lining oral cavity
    Stratified squamous epithelium
  5. The digestion of which nutrient would be affected by damage to the parotid salivary glands?
    Carbohydrates. Parotid salivary glands secrete salivary amylase which breaks down carbs.
  6. What is occuring when the soft palate and larynx elevate and the glottis closes?
  7. Which ring of muscle regulates the flow of chyme form the stomach to small intestine?
    Pyloric sphincter
  8. Why does treatment of chronic stomach ulcers sometimes involve cutting the branches of the vagus nerve that innervate the stomach?
    Cutting the vegus nerve severs the parasympathetic motor fibers that simulate gastric secretions
  9. How is the small intestine adapted for the absorption of nutrients?
    • Increase surface area
    • Transport absorbed nutrients
  10. How would a high fat meal affect the level of cholecystokinin in the blood?
    Increase CCK blood vessels
  11. Narrowing of the ileocecal valvue would stop movement of materials between which 2 organs?
    Chyme from small intestine to large intestine
  12. Digestion of which nutrient would be most impaired by damage to exocrine pancreas?
    Fats. Pancrease is primary source of lipase.
  13. How would a decrease in the amount of bile salts in bile affect the digestion and absorption of fat?
    Reduce the effectivness of fat digestion and absorption.
Card Set
Ch.16 Questions
Ch. 16 Questions