US History Ch 24

  1. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
    This 1903 treaty with Panama granted the United States control over a canal zone ten miles wide across the Isthmus of Panama. p.  565
  2. Panama Canal
    •  Roosevelt wnted  cnl to link the Atlntic nd Pcific ocens cross the isthus connecting North nd South Aeric.
    • 565
  3. Roosevelt Corollary
    A corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, which asserted that the United States would intervene in Latin American affairs if those countries could not keep their affairs in order. p. 566
  4. Gentlemen Agreement
     A yer lter, the Cliforni legislture considered  bill liiting the iigrtion of Jnese lborers into the stte. As resentent ounted in Jn, Roosevelt intervened to ersude the school bord to rescind its order, while t the se tie he obtined fro Jn the “Gentleen’s Agreeent” (1907) roising to sto the flow of Jnese griculturl lborers into the United Sttes.
  5. Dollar Diplomacy
    The Taft administration’s policy in the early 1900s to promote U.S. financial and business interests abroad, especially in Latin America. 566
  6. Moral Diplomacy
    Policy of President Woodrow Wilson that rejected “dollar diplomacy.” Rather than focusing mainly on economic ties with other nations, Wilson sought to practice morality in international relations, pre-serve peace, and extend to other peoples the blessings of democracy 567
  7. Pancho Villa
    • one of Crrnz’s generls, revolted. Hoing to god the United Sttes into n ction tht would hel hi seize ower, he rided border towns, injuring Aericn civilins. In Jnury, he reoved seventeen Aericns fro  trin in Mexico nd urdered the. Two onths lter he invded Colubus, New Mexico, killing sixteen Aericns nd burning the town.
    • 568, 572
  8. Francisco Madero
    • A liberl reforer, Frncisco I. Mdero, followed Dáz s resident in 1911. But Mdero could not kee order in the troubled country, nd oonents of his refors underined hi. With su-ort fro welthy lndowners, the ry, nd the Ctholic Church, Generl Victorino Huert ousted Mdero in 1913, threw hi in jil, nd rrnged his urder
    • 568
  9. Porfirio Diaz
     resident of Mexico for thirty-seven yers, ws overthrown in 1911. Dáz hd encourged foreign investents in Mexicn ines, rilrods, oil, nd lnd; by 1913, Aericns hd invested ore thn $1 billion.
  10. Emiliano Zapata
  11. Victoriano Huerta
  12. Webb-Pomerance Act
  13. Edward Hurley
  14. George Creel
  15. Sussex Pledge
    In the Sussex ledge of My 4, 1916, he greed to Wilson’s dends nd roised to shoot on sight only shis of the eney’s nvy. But he ttched the condition tht the United Sttes coel the Allies to end their blockde nd coly with interntionl lw. Wilson cceted the ledge but turned down the condition.
  16. Arabic Pledge
    In August 1915, a U-boat mistakenly torpedoed the British liner Arabic , killing two Americans. Wilson pro-tested, and Germany, eager to keep the United States out of the war, backed down. The Arabic pledge (September 1) promised that U-boats would stop and warn liners, unless they tried to resist or escape.564
  17. National Security League
  18. Preparedness
    Roosevelt led the preparedness campaign, which was pro-war against Wilsons Anit-war efforts
  19. Selective Service Act
    1917 law required all American men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for a military draft. The age limits were later changed to 18 and 45.  576
  20. Zimmermann Telegram
  21. John J. Pershing
  22. American Expeditionary Force
  23. Committee on Public Information
    Creted in 1917 by President Wilson nd heded by rogressive journlist George Creel, this  orgniztion rllied suort for Aericn involveent in World Wr I through rt,  dvertising, nd fil.  Creel worked out  syste of voluntry censorshi with the ress nd  distributed osters nd hlets. .  577
  24. American Protective League
  25. Sedition Act
    A World Wr I lw tht iosed hrsh enlties on  nyone using “disloyl, rofne, scurrilous, or busive lnguge bout the U.S. governent, flg, or red forces.” .  578
  26. Espionage Act
    1917 This lw, ssed fter the United Sttes entered World Wr I, iosed sentences of u to 20 yers on nyone found guilty of iding the eney, obstructing recruitent of soldiers, or encour-ging disloylty. It llowed the ostster generl to reove fro the il ny terils tht incited treson or insurrection. .  578
  27. In re Debs
  28. Slacker Raids
    Finds Draft Evaders
  29. Schenk v. United States
  30. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
  31. William McAdoo
  32. Herbert Hoover
  33. Bernard Baruch
  34. War Industries Board
    This governent gency oversw the roduction of Aericn fctories during World Wr I. .  579
  35. War Labor Board
  36. Food Administration
    A governent gency tht encourged Aericns to sve food during World Wr I. .  579
  37. War Labor Board
  38. Great Migration
  39. Fourteen Points
    In Jnury 1918, President Woodrow Wilson  resented these ters for  fr-reching, nonunitive settleent of World Wr I nd the estblishent of  Legue of Ntions. While generous nd otiistic, the Points did not stisfy wrtie hunger for revenge nd were lrgely rejected by Euroen ntions. .  582
  40. Paris Peace Conference
  41. Treaty of Versailles
  42. Henry Cabot Lodge
  43. Georges Clemenceau
  44. David Lloyd George
  45. Vittorio Orlando
  46. Robert Lansing
    secretry of stte nd ws relced by Robert Lnsing,  lwyer nd counselor in the Stte Dertent. Lnsing brought  very different sirit to the job. He fvored the Allies nd believed tht deocrcy ws thretened in  world dointed by Gerny. He urged strong stnds ginst Gern viol-tions of Aericn neutrlity.
  47. Red Scare
  48. Soviet Ark
  49. A. Mitchell Palmer
  50. Emma Goldman
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US History Ch 24
Review for Ch 24