Ch.15 Respiratory

  1. Respiratory System Functions [5]
    • 1. Gas exchange between air and circulating blood
    • 2. Move air to and from gas exchange surface
    • 3. Protection from dehydration, temp. changes, and invading pathogens
    • 4. Produce sounds. Speech, singing, nonverbal auditory communication
    • 5. Olfactory sensations to CNS
  2. Anatomical Structures of Respiratory System [6]
    • 1. Nose
    • 2. Pharynx
    • 3. Larynx
    • 4. Trachea
    • 5. Bronchi
    • 6. Lungs
  3. Respiratory Tract
    Airways that carry air to and from exchanges surfaces of lungs
  4. 2 Portions of Respiratory Tract
    • 1. Conducting Portion
    • 2. Respiratory Portion
  5. Conducting Portion
    • Nasal Cavity -> Pharynx -> Larynx -> Trachea -> Bronchi -> Bronchioles
    • Warms, humidifies and delivers air to lungs
    • Protects alveoli from debris, pathogens and extreme environments
  6. Respiratory Portion
    Smallest bronchioles and alveoli
  7. Air enters respiratory system through _________ which open into the _________.
    • Nostrils
    • Nasal cavity
  8. Nasal Vestibule
    Space enclosed within flexible tissues of nose
  9. Nasal Septum
    Divides nasal cavity in left and right
  10. Hard Palate
    • Formed by palatine and maxillary bones
    • Forms to floor of nasal cavity
    • Separates oral and nasal cavity
  11. Soft Palate
    Extends behind hard palate
  12. Nasal Cavity opens into nasopharynx at the __________.
    Internal nares
  13. Respiratory mucosa
    Protective mucus membrane lining respiratory tract
  14. Pharynx (throat)
    • Shared by digestive and respiratory system
    • Between internal nares and entrance to larynx and esophagus
  15. Subdivisions of Pharynx [3]
    • 1. Oropharynx
    • 2. Nasopharynx
    • 3. Laryngopharynx
  16. Inhaled air leaves the ________ and enters the _________ through the __________.
    • Pharynx
    • Larynx
    • Glottis
  17. Larynx (voicebox)
    9 cartilages stabilized by ligaments and skeletal muscles
  18. 3 largest larynx cartilages
    • 1. Epiglottis
    • 2. Thyroid Cartilage
    • 3. Cricoid Cartilage
  19. Trachea
    Begins at C6, attaches to cricoid cartilage, ends at mediastinum, branches to right and left bronchi at 5th thoracic vertebrae
  20. Tracheal Cartilage
    • Supports walls of trachea
    • Protects airway
    • C shaped
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Ch.15 Respiratory
Ch.15 Respiratory