ch 2.txt

  1. In Old World Germany fires starting in thatched roofs happened so often that they were called -
    The red hen.
  2. When did fire fighting tools, equipment, and fire fighting methods begin to change in North America?
    During the Industrial Revolution beginning in the last quarter of the18th Century.
  3. Who was credited for organizing the first volunteer fire department?
    Benjamin Franklin
  4. In which American city was the first fire company organized?
  5. What was the Philadelphia Contributorship?
    The first successful fire insurance company in North America.
  6. Who was credited for organizing the Philadelphia Contributorship?
    Benjamin Franklin
  7. Fire insurance companies adopted distinctive symbols and posted them on each property that they protected. These symbols were called -
    Fire marks
  8. The majority of the fire departments and firefighters in the country are in what employment status?
  9. In the fire service which of the following would best characterize the statement, "obedience to the unenforceable" ?
  10. According to IFSTA/Brady, what would be considered one of the greatest life-saving tools in medical history?
    The AED, coupled with bystander CPR.
  11. Optimally, stroke centers should treat a stroke within the golden -
    3 hours.
  12. Cardiac catheterization centers strive to treat heart attacks in the __ door-to-balloon time.
    90 minutes.
  13. The organization principle, Unity of Command, essentially states that -
    Each firefighter should report to only one supervisor.
  14. __ means that any fire officer can effectively supervise or manage only a certain number of individuals on the fire ground.
    Span of control.
  15. As a rule of thumb, an officer can directly supervise __ firefighters effectively.
    3 - 7.
  16. Division of labor in the fire service is necessary for all of the following reasons except -
    To prevent an unbalanced workload.
  17. Setting the limits or boundaries for expected performance and enforcing them would be considered
  18. The main purpose of discipline is to -
  19. A fire company which deploys hoselines for fire attack and exposure protection is known as a -
    Engine company
  20. Fire companies responsible for extinguishing wildland fires and also protecting structures in the urban interface are known as -
    Brush companies
  21. __ is a guide to decision making within an organization.
  22. A __ is a detailed plan of action.
  23. What is the difference between a directive and an order?
    Orders are based on policy and procedure, while directives are not
  24. A predetermined plan used by fire departments for nearly every conceivable situation is called -
    Standard operating procedure (SOPs)
  25. SOP is usually initiated by which of the following?
    The first fire companies that arrive at the scene.
  26. When considering SOPs, which of the following would be first in the order of accepted fireground priorities?
    Life safety
  27. What is the mechanism by which large numbers of fire companies and larger units are organized and managed during emergency incidents?
    National Incident Management System (NIMS)
  28. Who would be considered the point of contact for other governmental and nongovernmental agencies and private-sector organizations involved in an incident?
    Liaison Officer.
  29. Who would be responsible for interfacing with the public and media and/or other agencies with incident-related information requirements?
    Public Information Officer.
  30. Who is responsible for the functional aspects of the incident and is divided into Sections?
    General Staff.
  31. The manager of each Section of the General Staff is referred to as a -
  32. Who is responsible for collection, documentation, evaluation, and dissemination of incident situation information and intelligence to the IC?
    Planning Section Chief
  33. Which section reports directly to the IC, and is responsible for all activities focused on the reducing of immediate hazard, saving lives and property, establishing situational control, and restoring normal operations?
    Operations Section Chief.
  34. Which section is responsible for all support requirements needed to facilitate effective and efficient incident management?
    Logistics Section Chief.
  35. The function of directing, ordering, and controlling resources by virtue of explicit legal, agency, or delegated authority is called -
  36. A geographic designation assigning responsibility for operations within a defined area is called -
  37. You are standing in front of a fully involved structure fire. You and your crew have been assigned by the IC to make an interior attack on the Division C side of the building. From which side of the building will you be making your attack from?
    Back Side.
  38. The fire has been reported on the 4th floor of a building. The functional level of the fire would be in which of the following divisions?
    Division 4
  39. __ are functional designations of fire fighting duties such as forcible entry, salvage and overhaul, ventilation, etc...
  40. The firefighter in command of a division, or group is referred to as the -
    Division Supervisor.
  41. How many Divisions can make up an outdoor incident?
  42. A set number or resources of the same kind and type with an established minimum number of personnel is known as -
    A Strike Team
  43. Any combination of resources assembled in support of a specific mission or operational need is known as -
    A Task Force
  44. When transferring command from the former IC to the new IC, who announces that a change in command has taken place?
    The former IC.
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ch 2.txt
ch 2