B-02 STUDY GUIDE Interpersonal and Organizational Communication

  1. The Department of Labor has identified that serving clients is an ____________ skill necessary for successful functioning in the workplace.
    Interpersonal Communication
  2. The evoking of a shared or common meaning in another person is called_________?
  3. The element of the communication model that contains the thoughts and feelings the communicator is attempting to elicit in the receiver is the __________.
  4. The window through which we interact with people and influences the quality, accuracy, and clarity of the communication is ____________.
    The Perceptual Screen
  5. When a supervisor sends a message to his/her employees who comprise a diverse work group, both parties to the message should be sensitive to ______________
    Perceptual Screens
  6. A communication medium that is moderate in both _________ and _________ is electronic mail.
    information richness and data capacity
  7. As a supervisor, you decide you need to communicate with several of your employees about below standard or unsatisfactory work.  The best way to send your message would be a _____________ followed by a ____________.
    written memo / face-to-face meeting
  8. ___________ in a communication message refers to the ability of the medium to convey the meaning.
  9. If one of your employees was in the early stages of expressing thoughts and feelings about a problem, especially when there may be some associated anxiety or discomfort, it would be most appropriate for you to make __________.
    Affirming Contact
  10. Providing the time to identify and isolate the listener's personal responses and exclude them from the dialogue is one of the purposes of ______________
  11. _________ listening more strongly emphasizes the role of the listener rather than the communicator
  12. Elements of reflective listening include:
    • Affirming Contact
    • Clarifying the Implicit
    • Silence
  13. A software engineer discovered a major problem and is building for a difficult customer.  The supervisor listens to the engineer as they talk through the problem.  The supervisor would be _________ of the engineer by saying, "I hear that you are feeling very upset about the problem and may be worried about the customer's reaction when you inform him"
    Reflecting the Core Feelings
  14. Which is more efficient...One-Way or Two-way Communication?
    One-Way Communication
  15. In a study of manager's communication skills and performance, higher performing managers are ________ and _________ Communicators than lower performing managers.
    Better and Less Apprehensive
  16. As a supervisor in an emergency situation, you should be _______ and _______.
    Direct & Assertive
  17. A barrier to effective communication is _________.
    Status Difference
  18. A main method to overcome _________ as a barrier to communication is to increase the use of face-to-face communication
    Physical Seperation
  19. The use of new information technologies reduces __________ as a barrier to communication because it encourages the formation of non hierarchical working relationships.
    Status Differences

    (Status differences is related to organizational hierarchy)
  20. The FAME Model of leadership communication is based on the message characteristics of:
    • F-Focus
    • A-Articulate
    • M-Model
    • E-Engage
  21. Encouraging men and women to interact the same way should NOT be used by a supervisor to reduce ______________.
    Communication Barriers
  22. An effective method to reduce/overcome barriers to communication due to __________ is to seek clarification meaning.
    Gender Differences
  23. Assertive but accurate message sending is NOT considered a result or outcome of ___________.
    Defensive Communication
  24. The 4 basic rules Catherine Crier uses to prevent defensive communication
    • 1. Define the situation
    • 2. Clarify the person's position
    • 3. Acknowledge the person's feelings
    • 4. Bring the focus back to the facts
  25. Defensive communication can lead to _______ working relationships.
  26. A supervisor loudly criticizes an employee in front of several employees.  Later, it is learned the employee did not make a mistake.  The supervisor's communication is an example of ____________ .
    Dominant Defensiveness
  27. _________ communication and behavior frequently end up as dominant defensive behavior.
  28. A manager comments to her secretary, "How come Nancy is always hard to find when there is a deadline?  She is such a  loafer"  this is an example of__________.
  29. One type of defensive tactic where an individual attempts to manipulate and control others is called a ________.
    Power Play
  30. Characteristics of Non Defensive communication and behavior:
    • Centered
    • Assertive
    • Controlled
    • Informative
    • Realistic
    • Honest

    (which is not a characteristic of Non Defensive Comm. and Behavior - Acting Evasively)
  31. "I received the report from Dan yesterday and have briefly reviewed it.  It looks good but I need to talk to him about one recommendation before I approve it,"

    This is an example of ___________
    Non Defensive Communication
  32. As much as 65-90% pf the substance or content of a message sent in person can be through _______________.
    Non Verbal Communication
  33. 65-90% of the meaning in a message can be conveyed by _______________.
    Non Verbal Communication
  34. _________Communication (55% of message) can only be utilized in communication situations involving face-to-face communication such as in a committee meeting or staff meeting.
    Non Verbal
  35. Friends typically interact within the _________ zone.
  36. Persons from other countries prefer to interact (in face-to-face situations) at an _________ distance.
  37. ___________ generally do NOT like to communicate with one another within their intimate distance.
  38. The study of an individual's perception and use of space, including territorial space.
  39. Seating arrangements and dynamics can be examined in a __________ study.
  40. You are chairing quality circle meetings with your employees and want to maximize opportunities for all to speak and contribute. 

    To accomplish this, the table shape and seating should be __________.
  41. A seating arrangement where the party is across the corner of your desk or where you will be at a right angle facilitates ________ & _______ communication.
    Direct and Open
  42. In non verbal communication, the study of body movements, including posture.
  43. Positive, healthy communication is achieved when:
    • There is a balance between the head and the heart
    • a person displays positive emotional competence
    • a person has a healthy conversation between thoughts and feelings
    • working together is taken for its interpersonal and intrapersonal meaning
  44. At the core of personal integrity as displayed by executives is ____________ communication.
  45. Personal integrity in positive, healthy communication is achieved through _________.
    Emotional Competence
  46. ____________ communication has high to moderate data capacity and moderate to low information richness compared to other communication media.
  47. Regarding Communication Technologies:
    • Computer-mediated communication is impersonal in nature
    • Communication technologies equalize participation
    • Communication technologies encourage polyphasic activity

    (However, Communication Technologies do NOT create significant disparities in participation levels of persons within the group)
  48. Many of the communications technologies significantly ________ or ____________ non verbal forms of communication
    Limit or Eliminate
  49. The use of new technologies encourage ____________ activity.
  50. ___________ is known as doing more than one thing at a time.
    Polyphasic Activity
  51. Work groups place a strong emphasis on __________.
    Shared Leadership
  52. A Collection of two or more persons with common interests or objectives
    A Group
  53. A small number if people with complementary skills who are committed to a common goal for which they are mutually accountable.
    A Work Team
  54. Groups emphasize individual leadership, exclusive work products, and personal accountability, but do not share ____________.
    Collective Work Products
  55. A characteristic of a ___________ group is when people in the group can express both their feelings and their thoughts.
  56. Teams are appropriate where the knowledge and talent of workers are dispersed across members are require _________.
  57. A _________ team environment is one where individuals are encouraged to come up with new initiatives.
  58. The 2 sets of social benefits available to tam or group members:
    • 1. Psychological Intimacy
    • 2. Integrated Involvement
  59. Integrated involvement as a social benefit of group or team membership include _____________.
    The Opportunity for Influence
  60. The standards that a work group uses to evaluate the behavior of its members.
    Norms of Behavior
  61. The behavioral norms expected within the work groups and considered to be among the important from the organization's perspective.
    Organizational Culture and Credos
  62. Cohesion within a group can:
    • 1. Enhance job satisfaction for members
    • 2. Enhance Organizational Productivity
    • 3. Able to control and manage their membership better than work groups which are low in cohesion
  63. Social Loafing is usually _________ to the group and may cause interpersonal conflict within the group emphasizing task functions.
  64. A method for countering Social Loafing:
    A Formal Evaluation of Member Contributions
  65. People may engage in immoral acts or even violent behavior as committed by members of their group when there is ______________.
    Loss of Individuality
  66. 1. Consensus decision making
    2. Shared leadership
    3. Open discussion
    4. Free exchange of information concerning problems confronting the group.

    All are characteristics of _________?
    Positive Norms of Behavior within a Group
  67. One of the contributing factors to the violent and aggressive acts that led to the riot that destroyed Los Angeles following the Rodney King verdict.
    Loss of Individuality
  68. According to the Group Development Model, a group addresses:
    • Interpersonal issues
    • Task issues
    • Authority issues
  69. According to the Group Development Model, 3 interpersonal issues are:
    • Trust
    • Personal Comfort
    • Security
  70. The set of issues that need to be addressed as part of a group's authority issues:
    • Who is in charge
    • How the group manages power and influence
    • Who has the right to tell whom what to do
  71. Project teams, a coucnil of department heads, and an executive committee are examples of _____________ group in a work setting.
    Formal or deliberately designed work group
  72. An emergent group is known as ________.
    An Informal Group
  73. The defining characteristic of the forming stage of group development is that group members are dependent on ________ and _______.
    Guidance and Direction
  74. In the forming stage of group development, the team members feel they are __________ for further progression in group development to occur.
    Part of the Team
  75. The leader needs to adopt a coaching style due to team challenges in what stage of Group Development?
    Storming Stage
  76. The leader's role is primarily one of recognition of the group's achievements is in what stage of Group Development?
    The Adjourning Stage
  77. In the ____________ model of group development...

    Groups or teams:
    1. experience relational conflict at different times and different contexts
    2. do not necessarily progress linearly from one stage to another in sequential steps/stages
    3. alternate between periods of inertia and progress toward goals with burst of energy.
    The Punctuated Equilibrium Development Model
  78. The notion that groups alternate between periods of inertia and bursts of energy as they develop is most consistent with ___________.
    Punctuated Equilibrium
  79. The development of group cohesiveness is negatively influenced by ____________.
    Internal Competition
  80. The set of authority and task relations among group members
    Status Structure
  81. An effective team exhibits _______________.
    Shared Leadership
  82. Harmonizing conflicts, following other's leads, and setting standards are ____________ functions of a group
  83. _______ functions relate to a group's efforts to complete an assignment include seeking information, coordinating activities, and testing ideas
  84. As member of a quality circle, you frequently check with other members to make sure all are focused on the same problem and that everyone has opportunities to contribute.  You are performing the group maintenance function of ____________ communication.
  85. __________ activities are considered a maintenance function
    Tension reduction
  86. Work team effectiveness in the new team environment requires attention by management to both _________ & ____________.
    Team Structure & Team Process
  87. The ________role in team is usually occupied by someone who provides data and necessary information for problem solutions.
  88. An important role in the performance of cross-functional teams is ______________.
    The Integrator
  89. Cooperative rewards in work teams will have the most effective impact on ______________.
    Accuracy of Performance
  90. Which of the following is NOT considered important work process issues,

    Diversity, Creativity, Role Specification, or Dissimilarity?
    Role Specification
  91. "Value dissimilarity is negatively related to team involvement" is a statement that most accurately reflects the ______________ on teams and team members
    Impact of Dissimilarity
  92. Some experts believe that only individuals within a team can be creative, but a professor suggests that team creativity can be achieved. 

    Which would NOT be an example of enhancing team creativity?

    Building a playground, having a diverse team, facilitating training, or encouraging conformity?
    Encouraging Conformity
  93. A team-oriented work environment places emphasis on _________ and____________.
    Empowerment & Collaboration
  94. The ability to work together, possessing empowerment skills, and having process skills are the foundation for ____________ teamwork.
  95. Self-managed teams are sometimes called ____________ work groups.
  96. Hambrick and Fukutomi's research on CEO tenure found that the second stage of tenure involved ______________.
  97. This theory argues that characteristics of the top management teams can predict organizational characteristics.
    Upper Echelon Theory
  98. For successful chief executive officers, their peak performance years are usually after ___________ to __________ years
    5 to 7
  99. A devil's advocate in the top management who challenges the thinking of the CEO and other top executives
    A "Wild Turkey"
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B-02 STUDY GUIDE Interpersonal and Organizational Communication
Micklus - Block of Instruction