left arm bone (closest to body)
right arm bone (furthest from body)
left leg bone (closest to body)
right leg bone (furthest from body)
middle part of foot
liagments are...
like gum and don't return to shape
a sprain is....
Closed circuit of the Circulatory System
What is a cerebral anyrism
the largening of an artery b/c of a weakness in the wall of the blood vessel in the brain
is the loss of brain function that occurs, this kind of dementia affects memory, thinking and behavior and gets worse over time
Signs and symptoms of Alzheimers
memory loss, difficulty performing easy tasks, disorientation of time and place
How is dementia different from Alzheimers
Alzheimers is a specific kind of dementia that happens if you lose your entire memory and dementia is an umbrella term for memory loss desieses
Signs ans symptoms of a heart attack
chest discomfort, shortness of breath, sweating and neasea
Varicose Veins
- when the leaflet valves doesn't work properly in a veins and the blood flows backwards
- Treatment: sports socks that keep the blood from flowing backwards
a bacterial infection in the stomach and upper intestine
Signs and symptoms and treatments of ulcers
- pains in lower abdomen, loss of appetite, abdominal swelling
- Antibiotics
when the appendix becomes blocked
Signs, symptoms and treatment of appendicitis
- chill, constipation, diahrea, fever
- Appendectomy
Colitis and Crohns
- inflammatory and bowel disease
- diarehea, rectal bleeding, fever,
- medicated injections, antibiodics
How is cervical cancer diagnosed/ treatment
Pap test / chemo therapy of to have your cervix removed
Uteran Cancer diagnosed/ treatment
pelvic exam/ chemo therapy or uterus removed
Cure rate for testicular cancer
90% if caught early
Cure rate of prostate cancer
nearly 100% if caught early
vivid dreams, night mares, paralyzed body
vague images and stories, night terrors, sleep walking and sleep talking
REM occurs...
about every 90 min
Two theories on why we dream
to process information and to work out unsolved problems
Things to tell a person to go to sleep
imagine yourself in a happy place that you like, drink warm milk, excersise about an hour before you go to sleep, take a bath