Engineering Materials Ch 3

  1. The 4 major categories to be considered in material selection are:
    a. Chemical

    b. Physical

    c. Mechanical

    d. Procurement/manufacturing considerations
  2.                       are material characteristics that relate to the elemental structure of a material and it's chemical reactivity with other materials.
    Chemical Properties
  3.              are characteristics of materials that pertain to the interaction of these materials with various forms of energy and with the human senses.
    Physical Properties
  4. Physical properties are usually measured in a             laboratory without harming the material.
  5.                  are characteristics of a material that are displayed when a force is applied.
    Mechanical properties
  6. Testing for Mechanical properties usually involves the                    of the materials sample.
  7. Some of the key aspects of chemical properties are:
    a. Composition

    b. Micro structure

    c. Crystal Structure

    d. Corrosion Resistance

    e. Reactivity
  8. A listing of Physical properties would contain:
    a. Specific Heat

    b. Thermal Expansion

    c. Thermal Conductivity

    d. Electrical Conductivity

    e. Magnetism

    f. Color
  9. Specific Heat is the amount of               that is required to raise a given mass of material (1 gram) a given temperature change (1°C).
    heat energy
  10. The                   expansion coefficient is a tool for determining how much a material will           when it's heated.
    Thermal, grow
  11. Thermal Conductivity is the steady state            that will be transmitted by a material of a given thickness and temperature differential per unit area.
  12. Materials that are good thermal conductors also tend to be good              conductors.
  13. The only 5 stable elements that are ferromagnetic are:
    a. iron

    b. nickel

    c. cobalt

    d. gadolinium

    e. dyprosium
  14. All steels, except those with                    structures are ferromagnetic at room temperatures.
    Austenitic (FCC)
  15. Electrical conduction in metals is easy because the valence                     in metals exist in overlapping bands, so electrons are free to move throughout the bulk of the material.
  16. The Modulus of Elasticity is a measure of a materials                .
  17. Poisons Ratio is a way of comparing            strain to              strain.
    lateral, length
Card Set
Engineering Materials Ch 3
Chemical and Physical Properties