Organizational (business) Markets
- buyers of goods and services to be used in the production of goods and services, used in daily operations, or goods resold to someone else
- Not private use
Business Markets include:
producer, re-seller, government, and institutions
Raw Materials
- Unprocessed
- Typically few large producers
- Little product differentiation
- Little advertising, only for refined product
- ie: Crude Oil
- Office buildings, factories, machinery, large tools
- Significant impact on product
Accessory Equipment
- Help in production
- Ie: Word processor
Component Parts
- Incorporated directly into the physical product being produced
- Can be seen
- Ie: Spark plugs
Process Materials
- Directly incorporated in manufactured products, but cannot be identified
- Ie: Corn syrup in soda
Supplies (MRO items)
- Maintenance, repair, operating supplies
- Ie: pens, computer paper
Ie: legal accounting, marketing research
Derived Demand
- Demand based upon or derived from the demand for consumer goods
- Ie: Steel demand derived from demand for cars
Joint Demand
- Demand for two or more products are interdependent
- Ie: More machines, more demand for lubricants
Inelastic Demand
- Not responsive to changes in price
- In business, demand tends to be inelastic
- Consumers can make a switch to other products
- Greater in business market
- Reciprocity very important in business environment
Buying Center
- is the people within an organization who make business purchase decisions
- 5 roles
5 Roles in Buying Center
- User
- Influencer
- Buyer
- Decider
- Gatekeeper
- Person using the product
- Ie: students using books
Make purchase decision
Decides which supplier to use
Controls flow of information
3 Types of Organizational Purchases
- Straight Rebuy
- Modified Rebuy
- New Task Buying
Straight Rebuy
ie: If you own a restaurant and coke is doing well, would not switch to Pepsi
Modified Rebuy
- Not so happy
- Ie: Looking into a different travel agency if they mess up your flight
New Task Buying
Easier to sell something they've never bought before
Government Markets
- 20% of GDP
- Many things done on bidding
Ie: Retailers, wholesales, institutions (churches, sororities)
Sole Sourcing
Using only one supplier
A bundle of tangible and intangible attributes that a seller offers
Product Classification
Based on consumer search characteristics (4 categories)
4 Product Classification Categories
- Convenience Product
- Shopping Product
- Specialty Product
- Unsought Product
Convenience Product
Something you buy w/ minimum effort
Shopping Product
- Something you're willing to shop around for
- Ie: GAP
Specialty Product
Product you're willing to make a special effort to find and purchase
Unsought Product
- Product you don't want because you don't know they exist
- Ie: Life insurance for 20 year old
*Product Mix
Total set of products a company sells
- The inter-relatedness of product lines
- Ie: Pepsi buying out Quaker Oats
The number of different product lines in the product mix
The number of items w/in each product line
Product Life Cycle
Represents the stages a product moves through from its introduction to the market to its disappearance
Product Life Cycle (Graph)
- Want products in growth stage longest
- Get present customers to buy more
- Find new uses
- Find new customers
- Profits peak in growth, Sales peak in maturity
Product Audit
Regularly scheduled evaluation of the existing products in the product mix
Line Extension
- A product that is closely related to existing products in the line, but meets different customer needs
- Ie: different types of colgate
Product Modification
- Changing one or more characteristics of the product
- The original product does not stay on the line
- Ie: Designing thunder bird car over the years
Product Deletion
Process of deleting a product from the product mix when it no longer satisfies a sufficient number of customers
3 Approaches to Product Deletion
- Phase-out Approach
- Run-out Policy
- Dropping
*Phase-Out Approach
let the product decline
*Run-out Policy
Exploits any strengths left in the product
Taking it off the market bc losses are that great
Product Manager
Responsible for a product, product line, or several distinct products
Brand Manager
Responsible for a single brand
New product venture team (matrix)
- 2 bosses, a product, & something else
- consider 2 concepts of a product
New Product Development Process Stages (7)
- Idea Generation
- Screening
- Concept Development
- Business Analysis
- Product Development
- Test Marketing
- Commercialization
Idea Generation
Come up w/ ideas
Get rid of ridiculous ideas
Concept Development
Asking people what they think of the concept
Product Development
Actually making the item
Test Marketing
- Introducing your product before going nationwide
- Pioria, IL used, representative of US
Product introduced nationwide, full scale marketing
Offsetting new competitor products w/ promotions or other products
Adoption Process
5 series of steps a buyer goes through in deciding to try and then regularly use a new product
Adoption Process (5 Steps)
- Awareness
- Interest
- Evaluate
- Trial
- Adoption
Adopter Categories (5)
- Innovators
- Early Adopters
- Early Majority
- Late Majority
- Laggards
- 2.5%
- Young, educated
- Use scientific sources to reach
Early Adopters
- 13.5%
- Use sales force more than any other group
Early Majority
- 34%
- Get information from mass media
- 16%
- Often oriented to the past
- Hard to get people to switch
a symbol, design, name or term that uniquely identifies a seller's product
Brand Name
The part of the brand that can be voiced
Brand Mark
- Part of a brand that can be seen but not voiced
- ie: Nike swoosh
Brand name and/or brand mark that the seller has exclusive legal right to use
Trade Name
Legal name of an organization
Manufacturer's Brand
ie: Levi, Guess
Reseller's Brand
Owned by a retailer or wholesaler
Individual Branding
- Give each item a separate brand name
- Each product in product mix different brand name
Family Branding
- Using a single brand name for many products
- Ie: Coke, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke...
Brand Extension
- Putting product name on a different product category
- Ie: Ivory soap to ivory shampoo
- Bic pens to Bic lighters
Brand Equity
The marketing and financial value associated with a brand's strength in a market
Over $50 billion industry
Secondary use packaging
Packing that will be reused
Category Consistent
- Packaged in line w/ packaging practices associated with a certain product category
- Ie: Mustard container
Innovative Packaging
- Product packaging is unique
- Ie: No drip laundry detergent
Multiple Packaging
Ie: Pepsi Cube