What is aperture?
The size of the hole in the lens through which light shines.
How is aperture measured?
Aperture is measured using a fraction. It is typical measured in a manner such as f/X or sometimes 1:X.
What is the term for the "100mm" displayed on a lens?
Focal length.
What does the aperture measurement of f/8 mean?
It means the aperture opening is 1/8th the length of the focal length, i.e., f/8 on a 100mm lens equals 12.5mm opening.
What is the formula for an area of a circle? (used to calculate light gathering ability of a given aperture)
A = r * r * pi
What is the trade off of greater aperture?
Using a higher aperture lets in more light but renders less in focus.
What is depth of field and what is more depth of field?
Depth of field is how much is in focus in front and behind your subject. More depth of field means that more is in focus in front of and behind your object.
How do you pronounce ISO?
Eye-Ess-Oh or I-S-O
What is exposure?
The lightness or darkness of your picture?
What is contrast?
The difference between light and dark, with greater differences equaling greater contrast.
What does a larger aperture mean?
It means the opening in the lense is greater and lets in more light.
What does a smaller f number means?
It means the opening in the lense is greater and lets in more ligh, i.e., greater aperture.
What are the negative trade offs of a larger focal length?
Harder to hold the image steady, requiring a faster shutter speed to avoid blurring
What does a larger focal length do to perspective?
It flattens it, though technical the perspective lines remains the same.
What do you call a lense with a range of mm's (i.e., 18-55mm)?
Zoom lense
What do you call a lense with only a single mm on it (i.e., 18mm instead of 18-55mm)?
It's a prime lenses, as opposed to a zoom lense.
What determines exposure?
aperture, ISO & shutter speed
What is ISO?
ISO determines how sensitive the camera is to light. The higher the ISO, the more sensitive the camera is to light. ISO is the meaure of film speed.
What is the trade off of a higher ISO setting?
Higher ISO produces more noise in the image but makes the camera more sensitive to light allowing a faster shutter speed (i.e., less blur) and a smaller aperture (i.e., greater depth of field). Generally its better to have a little bit of noise rather than a blurry image.
What is a high key image?
It is an image where most of the tones are contained in the highlights.
What is a low key image?
It is an image where most of the tones are contained in the shadows.
How is high contrast depicted in a histogram?
It is represennted by a spread out histoogram.
If you want a picture that emphasizes texture, what should the histogram look like?
It should be spread out, showinng high contrast.