
  1. ADH
    • source: posterior pituitary
    • target: kidneys
    • action: increase absorption of water
  2. oxytocin
    • source: posterior pituitary
    • target: mammary glands
    • action: stimulates release of milk
  3. TSH
    • source: anterior pituitary
    • target: thryoid
    • action: secretion of T4 and T5
  4. ACTH
    • source: anterior pituitary
    • target: adrenal cortex
    • action: secretion of glucocorticoids
  5. FSH
    • source: anterior pituiary
    • target: ovaries, testes
    • action: regulates oogenesis and spermatogenesis
  6. LH
    • source: anterior pituitary
    • target: ovaries and testes
    • action: regulates oogenesis and spermatogenesis
  7. PRL
    • source: anterior pituitary
    • target: mammary glands
    • action: production of milk
  8. GH
    • source: anterior pituitary
    • target: bone and muscle
    • action: growth
  9. glucagon
    • source: pancreas
    • target: liver
    • action: inc. glucose
  10. insulin
    • source: pancreas
    • target: liver, muscles, fats
    • action: dec. glucose
  11. epinephrine and norephinephrine
    • source: adrenal gland (medulla)
    • target: blood vessels, liver, and heart
    • action: inc. glucose and constrict blood vessels
  12. glucocortcoids
    • source: adrenal gland (cortex)
    • target: general
    • action: inc. glucose
  13. mineralcorticoids
    • source: adrenal gland (cortex)
    • target: kidney
    • action: inc. reabsorption of Na+ and excretion of K+
  14. T4 and T3
    • source: thryoid
    • target: general
    • action: inc. cellular metabolism
  15. calcitonin
    • source: thryoid
    • target: bone
    • action: lowers Ca2+
  16. PTH
    • source: parathyroid
    • target: bone
    • action: inc. Ca2+
  17. testosterone
    • source: testis
    • target: testes, general
    • action: spermatogenesis, secondary sex characteristics
  18. estrogen
    • source: ovary
    • target: uterus, general
    • action: menstrual cycle, secondary sex characteristics
  19. progesteron
    • source: ovary
    • target: uterus
    • action: menstrual cycle, pregnancy
  20. melatonin
    • source: pineal
    • target: body
    • action: circadian rhythms
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