Science Final Exam Questions

  1. What aer the two main groups of minerals?
    • nonsilicates and silicates
  2. What two elements make up a silicate mineral?
    silicon and oxygen
  3. List some nonsilicate crystalline structures?
    cubes, hexagonal prisms, irregular masses
  4. What is the principle that Earth's history can be explained by current geologic processes?
  5. What is the law of superposition?
    The law states that an undeformed sedimentary rock layer is older than the layers above it and younger than the layers below it
  6. What is the difference between absolute age and relative age?
    Absolute age is the numeric age of an object, relative age is the age of an object in relation to the ages of other objects
  7. What are index fossils?
    An index fossil is a fossile that is used to established the age of rock layers because it is distinct, abundant, and widespread and existed for only a short span of geologic time
  8. In what type of rock are most fossils found
    sedimentary rock
  9. How was the geological column created?
    scientists determined the relative ages of sedimentary rocks a round the world and combined the data to the data to form the column
  10. What are the divisions of geological time?
    era, period, epoch, ages
  11. What does precambrian time include?
    Hadean eon, Archean eon, the proterozoic eon. Includes the time from the formation of Earth unil 542 million years ago
  12. For what is a geologic period named?
    Each period is characterized by specific fossils and is usually named for the location in which the fossils were first discovered
  13. Why is the gravity experienced on the moon's surface so much less than the gravity experienced on Earth?
    Because the moon has much less mass than the Earth
  14. Why doesn't the moon have an atmosphere?
    Because the gravity is too weak to hold gasses
  15. The planet with the most complex set of rings is?
  16. About how many starts are visible from earth without a telescope?
  17. What is a small, hot, extremely dense core left after a star collapse called?
    white dwarf
  18. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
  19. How does the sun produce energy?
    nuclear fusion
  20. What is the inner cone shaped area of an eclipses shadow called?
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Science Final Exam Questions