Canine Parasites.txt

  1. What is the common name for Spirocerca lupi?
    Esphageal worm
  2. What is the final host for Spirocerca lupi?
    The dog
  3. What is the intermediate host for Spirocerca lupi?
    The dung beetle
  4. What are the paratenic (transport) hosts for Spirocerca lupi?
    The chicken, lizard and bird (encysts in the viscera)
  5. What is the life cycle of Spirocerca lupi?
    Indirect L3 in insect (dung beetle)
  6. Describe an adult Spirocerca lupi.
    Pink to red in color. Up to 8cm long
  7. What is the Prepatent period (PPP) for Spirocerca lupi
    6 mo
  8. What are the sites of infection for Spirocerca lupi?
    The granulomatous nodules in the esophagus and stomach.
  9. What are some clinical signs of Spirocerca lupi?
    Esophageal lesions intefere with swallowing and cause persistent regurgitaion.
  10. Methods for diagnosis?
    Eggs in feces or vomitus. Endoscopy and radiography.
  11. What is the final host of the Physaloptera spp?
    The dog and cat.
  12. What are the intermediate hosts for Physaloptera spp
    Beetles, cockroaches, crickets
  13. What are the paratenic hosts of Physaloptera spp?
    Snakes and birds
  14. What is the life cycle of the Physaloptera spp?
    Indirect L3
  15. What do the adults and eggs of the Physaloptera spp look like?
    • A: 4-6cm in stomach
    • E: elongate, similar to Spiricerca lupi, just more oval.
  16. What are the sites of infection for Physaloptera spp?
  17. What are the clinical signs of Physaloptera spp?
    Vomition common, bloody feces
  18. Methods for diagnosis?
    Eggs found in feces or vomit, endoscopy
  19. Found the feces of some infected animals?
    • If the granulomas do not have openings into the esophageal lumen, the eggs will not be laid in the ingesta and not found in the fecal flotation
Card Set
Canine Parasites.txt
Canine Parasites