History Final 38 40 41

  1. 22nd amendment:
    Limited the president’s length of service to two terms
  2. “Seward’s Folly”:
    What Americans called the purchase of Alaska because little was known of its natural resources
  3. Rent controls:
    Legal limits on the amount a landlord could charge for the rental of certain housing units
  4. CIA:
    (Central Intelligence Agency) Federal agency created to collect intelligence data abroad
  5. Joseph McCarthy:
    U.S. Senator who used his influence to denounce numerous federal employees as members of the Communist party
  6. 24th amendment: Outlawed the use of a poll tax in a federal election
  7. 26th amendment:
    Lowered the voting age to 18
  8. Great Society:
    Lyndon Johnson’s program to build a nation free from poverty, hunger, economic, and racial woes
  9. Medicare:
    Federally funded healthcare program for persons over the age of 65
  10. Medicaid:
    Federally funded healthcare program for impoverished Americans
  11. Kent State Protest:
    A violent antiwar protest in reaction to Nixon’s order to invade Cambodia, resulting in the National Guard killing four students
  12. Amnesty:
    A general pardon by the government, especially for a political offense
  13. Stagflation:
    Sluggish economic growth combined with a high rate of inflation
  14. Energy Crisis of 1973:
    Arab members of OPEC, in the midst of the Yom Kippur War, announced that they would no longer ship oil to nations that supported Israel
  15. Neil Armstrong:
    United States astronaut; the first man to set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969.
  16. Lee Harvey Oswald:
    Primary suspect in the assassination of John F. Kennedy
  17. Martin Luther King:
    Civil rights leader who campaigned against the segregation of blacks through peaceful demonstrations and marches; assassinated in Memphis, TN in 1968
  18. a) Why did people think that John F. Kennedy’s assassination was a conspiracy? b) What were the findings of the Warren Commission? c) What conclusion did the House of Representatives arrive at regarding this event?
  19. Describe the Watergate scandal. a) What event triggered the initial investigation? b) Why did Spiro Agnew resign and who was his replacement? c) How was Nixon finally connected to the scandal and why did he resign?
  20. a) What was the goal of the Civil Rights Movement? b) Give three examples of how people sought to achieve this goal. c) How effective were these efforts?
  21. Third World:
    Developing nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin American
  22. Berlin Wall:
    Wall built between East and West Berlin to cut off communication between the two portions of the city; torn down in 1989
  23. “Protective-reaction” policy:
    Nixon’s strategy for Vietnam in which American troops would engage the enemy only when attacked or threatened by attack
  24. Viet Cong:
    A Communist-led army and guerrilla force in South Vietnam that fought against its government and was supported by North Vietnam.
  25. War Powers Resolution of 1973:
    Stated that no president could send military troops into combat for a period of longer than 60 days without the approval of Congress
  26. Fidel Castro:
    Cuban revolutionary leader; overthrew the corrupt regime of Cuba in 1959; established a Communist state.
  27. Ho Chi Minh:
    North Vietnamese political leader; first president of North Vietnam from 1954–69.
  28. Mikhail Gorbachev:
    Communist Party Secretary and leader of the Soviet Union who resigned immediately before collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War
  29. a) What was the Bay of Pigs Invasion? b) Why was it a failure?
  30. Describe the Cuban Missile Crisis. a) What did U.S. spy planes discover? b) How did the crisis end?
  31. Why did the United States involve itself in East Asia after World War II?
  32. a) What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? b) How did this change the course of the Vietnam War?
  33. a) What was the Iran Hostage Crisis? Be sure to include the events that led up to the crisis. b) How did Carter try to solve it and then how was the situation finally resolved?
  34. Describe the following Cold War policies: a) Containment, b) Rollback, c) Détente, d) Military Build-up.
  35. explain three factors that brought about the end of the Cold War.
  36. First Gulf War:
    U.S. and its allies attack Iraq after Iraq invades Kuwait to gain control of its oil reserves
  37. Oklahoma City bombing:
    A van containing explosives blows up in front of a federal building in OK City, killing 165 people; attack conducted by Timothy McVeigh
  38. Impeachment:
    When a president is accused by the House of Representatives of breaking his oath of office
  39. September 11th:
    Islamic militants, connected with the powerful terrorist network known as Al Qaeda, crash U.S. planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
  40. Saddam Hussein:
    militaristic leader of Iraq
  41. Osama Bin Laden:
    Leader of Al Qaeda terrorist group
Card Set
History Final 38 40 41
chapters 38 40 41