History Final 35 37

  1. Rhineland:
    Invaded by Hitler in WWI in violation to the Treaty of Versailles
  2. Lend-lease:
    Program in which the United States supplied war materials to the Allies during World War II
  3. Non-aggression pact:
    International treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union in which they pledged not to fight each other
  4. Allied Powers:
    WWII alliance of France, Great Britain, U.S. and the Soviet Union
  5. Axis Powers:
    WWII alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan
  6. Poland:
    WWII began after Germany invaded this country
  7. Dunkirk Evacuation:
    The mass evacuation of Allied forces from France to Great Britain in WWII
  8. “Scorched-earth”:
    The Soviet’s policy of devastating all land and buildings in the course of advancing troops so as to leave nothing salvageable to the enemy.
  9. Pearl Harbor:
    A major U.S. naval base in Hawaii; attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941
  10. “Island-hopping”:
    Allied military strategy in the Pacific during WWII
  11. Iwo Jima:
    First attack on Japanese soil
  12. Okinawa:
    Last major battle in the Pacific
  13. Nisei:
    Japanese Americans forced to relocate to detention camps during WWII
  14. Holocaust:
    Hitler’s “Final Solution”; the deliberate mass killing of Europe’s “undesirables”
  15. Concentration camps:
    Work camps and death camps where the Nazis sent Jewish civilians, political prisoners, and other “undesirables”
  16. Winston Churchill:
    Became Prime Minister of Great Britain and rallied the British people
  17. Douglas MacArthur:
    United States general who commanded Allied forces in the South Pacific during World War II; accepted the surrender of Japan; commander of U.N. forces during the Korean War
  18. a) What was the Munich Agreement? b) What countries were involved? c) Why was it a failure?
  19. Describe the Battle of the Bulge. a) Where did the battle take place? b) How did the battle earn its name? c) Why was the Battle of the Bulge significant?
  20. Describe the Invasion of Normandy. a) What three nations were involved in the initial, invasion phase? b) What two beaches did the Americans take? c) Why was the Invasion of Normandy an important victory for the Allies?
  21. Explain Hitler’s three major errors during WWII. Be specific.
  22. Describe the Yalta Conference. a) Who was present and what countries did they represent? b) What three agreements were made?
  23. United Nations:
    International organization formed in 1945 to promote international peace, security, and cooperation
  24. Cold War:
    Continued state of political conflict, military tension, and economic competition existing between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. following World War II
  25. Sputnik:
    First satellite to orbit the earth; launched by the Soviets on October 4, 1957
  26. Berlin airlift:
    The Allied response to the Soviet’s attempt to cut off all communication and transportation into the western portion of Germany’s capital
  27. NATO:
    Military alliance of nations in defense against the Soviet Union; if one nations was attacked, the other nations would respond with force
  28. 38th Parallel:
    Boundary separating N. and S. Korea
  29. Suez Crisis:
    Egypt threatened to seize the Suez canal when the U.S., Great Britain, and France refused to back their irrigation plant and dam on the Nile River
  30. Nikita Khrushchev:
    Communist party leader who gained power in the Soviet Union in 1953
  31. Mao Tse-tung:
    Leader of the Chinese Communists
  32. Explain how tensions developed between the United States and the Soviet Union following WWII by describing the differences between their goals, government, and economy.
  33. Describe the Korean War: a) What caused the conflict? b) What was the Great Debate and how was it solve? b) What was the result of the war?
Card Set
History Final 35 37
chapters 35-37