History Final

  1. “Roaring Twenties”:
    Period of prosperity, low unemployment and inflation rates, and increased investments during the 1920’s
  2. “Red Scare”:
    Fear of communist activity in the United States following WWI
  3. Speculation:
    Engagement in risky business transactions on the chance of quick or considerable profit
  4. Black Tuesday:
    The Stock Market Crash; October 29, 1929
  5. Public works projects:
    Federally funded public projects intended to stimulate business and provide employment for jobless workers
  6. New Deal:
    • President Franklin Roosevelt’s legislative agenda for rescuing the United States from the Great
    • Depression
  7. Smoot-Hawley Tariff:
    Raised tariffs on numerous goods to protect American manufacturers; hurt consumers and led to tariff wars
  8. What was the cause of the Stock Market Crash of 1929?
  9. a) Explain three measures Hoover took to solve the problems caused by the Stock Market Crash. b) How did these measures lead to the Great Depression?
  10. Wagner Act:
    Increased the strength of labor unions by forbidding any interference by employers with the formation and operation of labor unions
  11. Pump priming:
    Government action taken to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes, spending money, or lowering interest rates
  12. Subsidy:
    Grant paid by the government to an industry that benefits the public
  13. Minimum wage:
    The minimum hourly pay a worker may receive
  14. Free enterprise:
    The freedom of private business to operate competitively for profit with minimal governmental regulation
  15. Describe the three general aims of the New Deal.
  16. What were the three main purposes of the Social Security Act of 1935?
  17. a) What was the purpose of the Tennessee Valley Authority? b) Give two reasons why the TVA might be seen as a benefit. c) Give two reasons why people were opposed to the TVA.
  18. a) What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act? b) Give two reasons why this might be seen as a benefit. c) Give two reasons why people were opposed to the AAA.
  19. a) What was goal of the NIRA? b) How successful was this act in achieving its goal?
  20. Describe the three methods used to finance the New Deal programs. Why were these methods criticized?
  21. Isolationism:
    A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries
  22. Dictatorship:
    Government by a single person that is not responsible to the people or their elected representatives
  23. Belligerents:
    Warring nations
  24. Neutrality Acts:
    Passed by FDR in 1935 and 1937; prohibited the shipment of munitions to warring nations
  25. Adolf Hitler:
    Austrian-born, Jew-hating fanatic who became dictator of Germany in 1933
  26. Josef Stalin:
    Communist dictator who succeeded Lenin and ruled the Soviet Union during WWII
  27. Benito Mussolini:
    Fascist dictator who seized power in Italy in 1922
  28. Describe three roots of U.S. isolation during the 1920’s and 1930s.
  29. a) What country invaded Manchuria in 1933? b) What was significant about the League of Nations response to this invasion?
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History Final
Chapters 31 32 34