ch. 13 from notes

  1. role theory
    • expectations and responsibilities of parents
    • intentional learning of new role (active)
    • incidental learning of new role
  2. mercers four stages of becoming a mother
    • 1) commitment, attachment, preparation
    • 2) getting acquainted and becoming attached to infant
    • 3) developing new "normal"
    • 4) seeing themselves as a "mom"
  3. rubins maternal phases
    • 1) taking in phase 24-48 hours
    • 2) taking hold phase- lasts weeks
    • 3) letting go phase- independence to new mother role
  4. bonding
    • -unidirectional
    • -parent to baby
  5. attachment
    • -bidirectional
    • -parent to baby and baby to parent
  6. maternal touch phases
    • 1) mom touches baby with fingertips
    • 2) strokes head and body
    • 3) brings baby close to her/him
  7. communication between parent and child
    -bidirectional process
  8. postpartum blues
    • COMMON
    • -effects the majority of mothers
    • -mild depressive symptoms interspersed with happier feelings
    • -can take care of baby
    • -typically occurs within a few days of bith and is self limiting lasting 1-10 days
    • -hormonal changes, fatigue, stress
    • -no treatment necessary
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ch. 13 from notes