Practical 1

  1. Identify this gland, the hormones produced, and the hormones effects?

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    • Thyroid Gland
    • - Colloid filled follicles store T3 and T4  (Maintains BP, muscle tone, heart rate, digestion, cellular metabolism and increases the rate of O2 consumption)
    • - Para Follicular Cells produce Calcitonin (Lowers blood calcium levels)
  2. Identify this gland, the hormones produced, and the hormones effects?

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    • Parathyroid Gland
    • Secretes PTH which increases blood calcium levels vis stimulation of osteoclasts to breakdown bone, stimulates kidneys to reabsorb calcium and convert it to vitamin D
    • Chief Cells- synthesize PTH
    • Oxyphils
  3. Identify this gland, the hormones produced, and the hormones effects?

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    • Thymus
    • Secretes Thymosin which stimulates T Lymphocytes
  4. Identify this gland, the hormones produced, and the hormones effects?

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    • Pancreas
    • Alpha Cells produce glucagon and Beta Cells produce Insulin  for blood glucose regulation
  5. Identify the left and right sides of this gland, the hormones produced, and the hormones effects for each side?

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    Left Side- Anterior Pituitary which contains acidophils that produce GH and Prolactin, chromophobes, and basiphils that produce tropic hormones TSH, LH, FSH, ACTH

    Right Side- Posterior Pituitary which stores oxytocin and ADH, and contains pituicytes(glial cells)
  6. Identify the Leukocyte below and determine whether it is an agranulocyte or granulocyte?

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  7. Identify the Leukocyte below and determine whether it is an agranulocyte or granulocyte?

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  8. Identify the Leukocyte below and determine whether it is an agranulocyte or granulocyte?

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  9. Identify the Leukocyte below and determine whether it is an agranulocyte or granulocyte?

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  10. Identify the Leukocyte below and determine whether it is an agranulocyte or granulocyte?

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  11. Identify the following?

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  12. Identify the following?

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    Erythrocyte (RBC)
  13. What is the most numerous type of leukocyte?
  14. What 2 leukocytes are actively phagocytic?
    neutrophils and monocytes
  15. What leukocyte releases histamine and promotes inflammation?
  16. What leukocyte is formed mostly in lymphoid tissue?
  17. What type of leukocyte increases in number during prolonged infections?
  18. What determines whether blood is bright or dull in color?
    the amount of oxygen it is carrying, the more oxygen the brighter the color
  19. What 4 types of nutrients are found in plasma?
    amino acids, glucose, fatty acids, and vitamins
Card Set
Practical 1
Practical 1 Exam