
  1. red herring
    in which a irrelevant topic is presented in order to drive attention from original topic
  2. bandwagon appeal
    the idea something should be done because the majority of people are doing it
  3. false dichotomy
    either the test is wrong or the program is wrong
  4. false analogy
    in an analogy 2 objects or events are shown to be simmilar
  5. non sequitar
    a statement that does not fallow logically
  6. ad hominem
    in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author or person presenting the arguement
  7. rhetorical question
    a statement that is formulated as a question  but is not supposed to be answered
  8. straw man
    a sham or argument set up to be defeated
  9. appeal to ignorance
    argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it
  10. scare tactics
    y is presented a claim that is intended to produce flair
  11. slippery slope
    we have to stop the tuition increase or next thing you know they will charge 40,000 a semester
  12. faulty casualty
    in which two objects are similar
  13. dogmatism
    a statement of a point of view as if t were an established fact
  14. genre
    a major category in which a literary work fits
  15. euphemism
    good speech a substitute for a generally unpleasant word or concept
  16. didactic
    to teach moral or ethical principals
  17. Chiasmus
    a rhetorical figure in which words are repeated in reverse order in same modified form
  18. caricature
    picture or description in order to create or comic or grotesque effect
  19. antecedent
    word phrase or clause referred  to by a pronoun
  20. apostrophe
    figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or personified abstraction   such as liberty or love
  21. ethos
    spirit culture era community
  22. aphorism
    • a pithy observation that contains a general truth
    • if It isn't broke don't fix it
  23. anti thesis
    the opposition or contrast of ideas the direct opposite
  24. anaphora
    the use of a word referring to or replacing a word used earlier in a sentence to avoid repetition
  25. analogy
    a similarity  or comparison between 2 different things or relationship between them
  26. alliteration
    • repetition of sounds
    • she sells sea shells
  27. allegory
    device of using character or story elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addiction to literal meaning
  28. sarcasm
    bitter caustic language that is meant to hurt or ridicule someone or something
  29. understatement
    • the ironic minimalizing of fact understatement presents something as less significant that it is
    • big deal not taken seriously
  30. syllogism
    • all women are smart I am a women therefor
    • I am smart
  31. begging the question
    • god must exist
    • how do you know
    • because the bible said so
  32. allusion
    a direct or indirect reference to something which is presumably common known such as an event book myth place or work of art
  33. equivocation
    • like syllogism
    • a feather is light what is light cannot be dark
    • therefor a feather can not be dark
  34. crucial
    critical decisive
  35. connotation
    non literal
  36. enthymeme
    an argument in which premise is not stated
  37. colloquial
    use of slang or informalities in speech or writing
  38. denotation
    strict literal dictionary def of a word
  39. figure of speech
    a device used to produce figurative language
  40. wit
    amusing language that surprises and delights
  41. subordinate clause
    subject and a verb
  42. implication
    the conclusion that can be drawn from something
  43. inference
    to draw a reasonable conclusion from information presented
  44. thesis
    the sentence or a group of sentences that directly expresses the authors opinion purpose meaning or position
  45. imagery
    describe arouse emotion or represent abstraction
  46. pedantic
     show of
  47. paradox
    a statement that appears to be self contradictory or opposed too common sense
  48. persona
    the aspect of someone's character that is presented or perceived by others
  49. diatribe
    forceful bitter verbal attack
  50. clause
    subject and a verb
  51. tone
    describes the authors attitude toward his material the audience or both
  52. style
    authors diction
  53. syntax
  54. the way an author choses to join words
  55. mood
    atmosphere or emotion aura or work
  56. diction
    is word choice
  57. synechdoche
    car is wheels
  58. symbol
    represents itself and stands for something else
  59. simile
    like or as
  60. satire
    a work that target humans vices
  61. personification
    pencil is tired
  62. parody
    add comic effect to a work
  63. parable
    a simple story told for spiritual lesson
  64. theme
    the central idea or message of a work
  65. metonymy
    white  house is president
  66. parallelism
    grammatical or rhetorical framing of words phrases sentences
  67. irony
    • verbal
    • situational
    • dramatic
  68. invective
    violent verbal attack
  69. oxymoron
    jumbo shrimp
  70. hyperbole
    I am  so hungry I can eat a cow
  71. extended metaphor
    A comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem.
  72. comic details
  73. periodic sentence
    A long and frequently involved sentence, marked by suspended syntax, in which the sense is not completed until the final word--usually with an emphatic climax. Contrast with loose sentence and cumulative sentence.
  74. loose sentence
    A sentence structure in which a main clause is followed by one or more coordinate or subordinate phrases and clauses. Contrast with periodic sentence.
  75. homily
    A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse.
  76. litotes
    A figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite, as in This is no small problem.
  77. asyndeton
    The omission of conjunctions between clauses, often resulting in a hurried         rhythm or vehement effect.
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