spinal cord injury 5

  1. sensory poke location for C2
    lateral occipital protuberance or 3 cm behind the ear
  2. sensory poke location for C3
    apaex of supraclavicular fossa - just sup to the med clavicle
  3. sensory poke location for C4
    AC joint
  4. sensory poke location for C5
    radial side cupital fossa prox to elbow (a bit lat and prox on the elbow pit)
  5. sensory poke location for C6
    dorsal prox phalanx of thumb
  6. sensory poke location for C7
    dorsal prox phalanx of middle finger
  7. sensory poke location for C8
    dorsal prox phalanx of pinky
  8. sensory poke location for T1
    • medial cupital fossa prox to med epicondyle
    • (C5 is lat elbow, T1 is med)
  9. sensory poke location for T2
    apex of axilla (arm pit)
  10. sensory poke location for T3
    mid clavicular line 3rd intracostal space (sup to nipples
  11. sensory poke location for T5
    mid clavicular line 5th intercostol spae (btwn nipple and xiphisternum/xiphoid process)
  12. sensory poke location for T6
    mid clavicular line at level of ziphoid process
  13. sensory poke location for T7
    mid clavicular line 1/4 distance btwn xiphoid & umbilicus
  14. sensory poke location for T8
    mid clavicular line 1/2 distance btwn xiphoid & umbilicus
  15. sensory poke location for T9
    mid clavicular line 3/4 distance btwn xiphoid & umbilicus
  16. sensory poke location for T10
    mid clavicular line & umbilicus
  17. which sensory points are between the xiphoid & umbilicus
    • T6 - at level of xiphoid
    • T7 - 1/4
    • T8 - 1/2
    • T9 - 3/4
    • T10 - at level of umbilicus
  18. sensory poke location for T11
    mid clavicular line midpoint btwn umbilicus & inguinal lig (this is lat to the line of testing for T3-T11)
  19. sensory poke location for T12
    mid clavicular line midpoint of inguinal lig
  20. sensory poke location for L1
    midway btwn T12 & L2 -- high inner thigh a bit lat of genitals
  21. sensory poke location for L2
    • ant med thigh, midway on line btwn midpoint of inginal lig and med fem condyle proximal to knee
    • (midway down thigh on the medial half of ant)
  22. sensory poke location for L3
    med fem condyle prox to knee
  23. sensory poke location for L4
    med malleolus
  24. sensory poke location forL5
    dorsum of foot at 3rd MTP joint
  25. sensory poke location for S1
    lateral side of heel
  26. sensory poke location for S2
    popliteal fossa at midpoint
  27. sensory poke location for S3
    ischial tub
  28. sensory poke location for S4-5
    • perianal area < 1cm lat to muco-cutaneous junction
    • (lat to the asshole)
Card Set
spinal cord injury 5
rosen & karpatkin spring 2013