220 general survey

  1. items within general survey
    • physical appearance
    • body structure
    • mobility
    • behavior
  2. items within physical apperance
    • age
    • sex
    • level of consciousness
    • skin color
    • facial features
  3. items under body structure
    • stature
    • nutrition - look well fed?
    • symmetry
    • posture
    • position
    • body build, contour
  4. items under mobility
    • gait
    • range of motion
  5. items under behavior
    • facial expression
    • mood and affect - 
    • speech
    • dress
    • personal hygiene
  6. what would be an appropriate statement within the general survey
    such and such is a 30 yom who is alert and oriented x 4. He has an erect posture and symmetrical bilaterally. Has a flowing even gait. Behavior is appropriate for the situation.
  7. what is the thermostat of the human body
  8. influences on temp
    • diurnal cycle
    • menstrual cycle
    • exercise
    • age
  9. diurnal cycle = 
    any pattern that recurs every 24 hours
  10. Modified Allen's test =
    test to see if the ulnar and radial arteries are sufficiently supplying the hand with blood
  11. normal pulse range = 
    60 -100
  12. stroke volume = 
    amount of blood pump with each contraction of the LV
  13. normal pulse force = 
  14. bounding pulse = 
    > 2 +
  15. thready pulse = 
    < 2 +
  16. things to assess about pulse = 
    • rate
    • rhythm 
    • force
  17. normal ratio of pulse to resp rate
  18. pulse pressure = 
    difference between systolic and diastolic
  19. does heart want to fill faster or slower
    slower. rapid pulse = decreased fill time
  20. MAP = 
    • (2D + S)/3 
    • 2 X diastolic + systolic / 3
  21. average MAP is 
  22. MAP practically is 
    average pressure in the arteries to perfuse body tissues
  23. some influences on BP
    • age
    • race
    • weight
    • emotions
    • sex
    • diurnal rhythm
    • stress
  24. physiologic factors controlling the BP
    • cardiac output
    • peripheral vascular resistance
    • volume of circulating blood
    • viscosity of blood
    • elasticity of vessel walls
  25. dilated vessels do what to peripheral vascular resistance
    decreases it
  26. cuff too small = 
    falsely high BP
  27. too big cuff = 
    falsely low BP
  28. 3 important korotkoff sounds are 
    • 1 systolic pressure
    • 4 muffling of sounds
    • 5 diastolic pressure
  29. what is a unique pressure difference in the thigh 
    thigh pressure higher in thigh than in the arm
  30. coarctation of aorta = 
    narrowing of the aorta
  31. what is normal BP
  32. stage 1 hypertension =
  33. stage 2 hypertension = 
  34. what are some special considerations in aging adults in regards to the general survey
    • physical appearance
    • posture
    • gait
    • weight - more adipose fat and less lean mass
    • VS - HR stays same BP should go up 
    • height
Card Set
220 general survey
220 general survey