Measuring Consciousness

  1. What does the EEG do?
    The EEG detects, amplifies and records electrical activity in the brain in the form of brainwaves
  2. What are Beta waves?
    • They are the typical brainwave pattern during NWC.
    • Eyes open, person is awake and alert
  3. ______ waves are distinctive of deep NREM sleep.
    • Delta
    • Low frequency, high amplitudes
  4. What does the EOG do?
    It detects, amplifies and records electrical activity in the muscles that allow the eye to move.
  5. What is the EMG?
    • It detects, amplifies and records the electrical activity of muscles
    • Usually underneath chin
  6. What is the galvanic skin response? (GSR)
    • The physiological response that indicates the electrical conductivity of the skin. (Perspiration)
    • Passes weak current
  7. What are other methods of measuring?
    • Heart rate
    • Blood pressure
    • Respiration
    • Body temperature
    • Sleep labs
    • Video monitoring
    • Self Reports
  8. Why are physiological measurements used to study consciousness?
    Because it is the most objective and reliable in terms of indicating states of consciousness.
  9. Describe how an EEG can indicate whether a person is awake or has just fallen asleep
    An EEG meaures brainwaves and brainwaves differ for different states of consciousness. If it shows beta waves, the person is awake however if it changes to theta waves, this suggests that the person has just fallen asleep.
Card Set
Measuring Consciousness
Methods of measuring NWC and sleep