psy150 ch2 test questions review

  1. 35.  Psychologists use techniques based on ___________.

    A. correlational
  2. 2.  Observing behavior as it happens in real-life natural settings without imposing laboratory controls is known as the __________. 

    D. naturalistic observation method
  3. 4.  A detailed, well-researched biography of a famous historical person is technically an example of the __________ method of research.   

    C. case study
  4. 5.  When you watch dogs play in the park or watch how your professors conduct their classes, you are engaging in a form of __________. 

    B. naturalistic observation 
  5. 6.  Research in which a carefully selected group of people is asked a set of predetermined questions in interviews or through questionnaires is known as __________. 

    B. survey research 
  6. 7.  A research method in which the real-life behavior of a pre-selected person or a group is studied at an in-depth level for some time through the use of observation, interviews, and writings (such as letters) is the _____________ method of research.

    B. case study 
  7. 8.  A weakness of ________ is that subjects participating in the research often report, consciously and unconsciously, inaccurate information.

    D. surveys
  8. 9.  As part of an assignment, Bill's class was asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire on prejudice.  Which research method was Bill's professor using?

    C. survey
  9. 10.  Naturalistic observation is ____________________.

    D. studying behavior in its natural context
  10. 11.  As part of an assignment, Bill's class was asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire on sexual discrimination.  Which research method was Bill's professor using?

    D. survey
  11. 12.  Collecting objective data without interference in the subject's normal environment is associated with ________.

    C. naturalistic observation
  12. 13.  As part of an assignment, Ricks' class was asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire on female sexual harassment.  Which research method was Bill's professor using?

    A. survey
  13. 14.  Collecting objective data without interference in the subject's normal environment is associated with:

    B. naturalistic observation
  14. 15.  The degree of relationship between two or more variables is __________. 

    A. correlation
  15. 16.  The degree of relationship between two or more variables is: 

    D. correlation
  16. 17.  Anything that follows a response, making that response more likely to recur, is

    C. reinforcement
  17. 18.  Positive correlation shows:

    D. that as one variable changes, another changes in the same direction
  18. 19.  A researcher wished to study the relationship between high school grades and college grades.  Of the following research methods, which would be the most appropriate?

    D. correlation
  19. 20.  A correlation of .00 means:

    B. the two variable are unrelated
  20. 21.  The greatest disadvantage of correlation is:

    D. it does not enable cause and effect conclusions
  21. 22.  A correlation tells us:

    A. whether two variables are related
  22. 23.  A psychologist uses the correlational method to _________.

    C. identify relationships between variables
  23. 24.  The survey method of research is ___________ in nature.

    A. correlational
  24. 25.  As children grow older, their discretionary income usually increases.  The best conclusion to draw about the variables age and income are that they are:

    C. positively correlated
  25. 26.  A large group of people whom you want to know about is called a __________. 

    B. population
  26. 27.  In an experiment to test the effects of anxiety on performance, the dependent variable is the __________. 

    C. a person's performance
  27. 28.  A scientist, conducting a research study on sleep and learning, questions her own objectivity and decides to let a third person, not associated with conducting the experiment, score the tests. The scientist is probably trying to eliminate __________. 

    D. experimenter bias
  28. 29.  Psychologists use research techniques based on __________. 

    C. the scientific method
  29. 30.  In an experiment, a researcher manipulates one variable to see how it affects a second variable. The second variable, which is observed for any possible effects, is called the __________. 

    C. dependent variable
  30. 31.  A psychologist, studying pilot trainees, picks a select group of trainees who is hopefully representative of all other trainees. The group of trainees being studied by this psychologist is collectively known to researchers as a __________. 

    C. sample
  31. 32.  Expectations by the experimenter that might influence the results of an experiment or their interpretation are called __________. 

    D. experimenter bias
  32. 33.  In a controlled experiment, the group subjected to a change in the independent variable is called the __________ group. 

    D. experimental
  33. 34.  A subset of cases selected from a larger population is a __________.   

    D. sample
  34. 35.  If explanation of the causes of thoughts, feelings, and behavior is a psychologist's goal, then the __________ method of research should be used.   

    A. experimental
  35. 36.  In a controlled experiment, the group not subjected to a change in the independent variable, and used for comparison with the group receiving the experimental change, is the __________ group.  

    A. control
  36. 37.  In an experiment, a researcher manipulates one variable to see how it affects a second variable.  The manipulated variable is called the:

    C. independent variable
  37. 38.  A group of students was asked to write an essay in support of the legalization of marijuana.  They were paid $.50.  Another group of students received $2.00 for the same task.  It was subsequently found that those students who received only $.50 developed a more positive attitude towards the legalization of marijuana.  The experiment in this study was using (the)

    C. experimental
  38. 39.  A sample that does not truly represent the population in question is known as a _____________sample.

    A. biased
  39. 40.  To obtain objective information, researchers sometimes must deceive their subjects.  Ethically, research involving deception must always _________.

    A.  explain the deception to the subjects after the data are collected and obtain their informed consent to use the information obtained
  40. 41.  To determine if sugar-rich diets affect hyperactivity in kids, a researcher prepared two daily menus that children would receive for a 30-day period.  A high-sugar diet was given to the boys, while the girls had a menu that seemed identical but was not a high sugar diet.  At the end of 30 days, the boys and girls were evaluated to determine their levels of hyperactivity.  In the study, the high-sugar diet is the ________.

    D. independent variable
  41. 42.  Using both independent and dependent variables is associated with which of the following types of research used in psychology?

    B. experimentation
  42. 43.  Manipulating an independent variable in

    a real-life setting is ________.
    a. an experiment
    b. an example of naturalistic observation
    c. a field experiment
    d. unethical
    C. a field experiment
  43. 44.  Experimenter bias can best be controlled using ________.

    C. double-blind control
  44. 45.  A researcher, based on her review of relevant scientific studies, believes that there is a relationship between the frequency of a baby's crying and whether it was nursed at set intervals or on a demand schedule.  If this belief were tested by experimentally manipulating feeding schedules, the feeding schedule would be called the:

    A. independent variable
  45. 46.  A researcher, based on her review of relevant scientific studies, believes that there is a relationship between the frequency of a baby's crying and whether it was nursed at set intervals or on a demand schedule.  If this belief were tested by experimentally manipulating feeding schedules, frequency of crying would be called the:

    D. dependent variable
  46. 47.  One of the main reasons for using a laboratory for psychological research is to:

    A. allow the researchers to control certain factors
  47. 48.  The process of establishing causal relationships is associated most with:

    B. experiments 
  48. 49.  A researcher tests the hypothesis that students who study in the room where they take their tests will perform better on the tests than students who study in other rooms.  She requires one group to study in the classroom where the exam is given and another group to study in the library.  All students take the test in the classroom, and their test performance is compared.  In this example, where students study is the:

    C. independent variable
  49. 50.  A researcher tests the hypothesis that students who study in the room where they take their tests will perform better on the tests than students who study in other rooms.  She requires one group to study in the classroom where the exam is given and another group to study in the library.  All students take the test in the classroom, and their test performance is compared.  In this example, test performance is:

    B. the dependent variable 
  50. 51.  In psychological studies, randomization is used to ensure that:

    B. each person has an equal chance of being assigned to each group
  51. 52.  A "fake treatment" is one way to define a ______.

    D. placebo
  52. 53.  In an experiment, a researcher manipulates one variable to see how it affects a second variable.  The manipulated variable is called the __________.

    B. independent variable
  53. 54.  In an experiment, a researcher manipulates one variable to see how it affects a second variable.  The second variable, which is observed for any possible effects, is called the __________.

    D. dependent variable
  54. 55.  The method of psychological research which utilizes a control group, a dependent variable, and an independent variable is

    C. the experiment
  55. 56.  Professor McSpell designed an experiment to test her hypothesis that exercise will increase spelling ability.  She divided children into three groups and had one group do 10 minutes of exercises, one group do 30 minutes of exercises, and the third group do no exercise.  She then tested all three groups of children to see how many words they could spell correctly on a spelling test. In this experiment, the scores on the spelling test serve as the 

    D. Dependent variable
  56. 57.  Which of the following is a strength of experiments?

    C. they allow for the establishment of cause-effect relationships
  57. 58.  In an experiment, the "measurable aspect of the behavior of the subject" is called the __________ variable.

    B. dependent
  58. 59.  The purpose of an experiment is to discover whether there is a relationship between the ___________ and the ___________.

    A. independent variable; dependent variable
  59. 60.  Cause-and-effect conclusions can be drawn from the results of an experiment because:

    A. the independent variable is manipulated while other possible causes of change in the dependent variable are held constant.
  60. 61.  In an experiment on the effects of level of motivation on the performance of typists, the researcher randomly assigned one third of her subjects to each of three levels of motivation (and then induced different levels of motivation in the three groups).  She measured the average words typed per minute by each group, and found that performance was highest under medium motivation, average under low motivation, and worst under high motivation.  The regular variation in performance (average, best, worst) as motivation was changed (low, medium, high) is called a(n):

    D. functional relationship
  61. 62.  In an experiment on the effects of level of motivation on the performance of typists, the researcher randomly assigned one third of her subjects to each of three levels of motivation (and then induced different levels of motivation in the three groups).  She measured the average words typed per minute by each group, and found that performance was highest under medium motivation, average under low motivation, and worst under high motivation.  What was the independent variable in this experiment?

    C. motivation
  62. 63.  A psychologist wanted to see if people are more prone to seek the company of others when anxious than when calm.  He randomly assigned half of his subjects to an anxiety group and then told them that, as part of the study, they would receive electric shocks.  He did not frighten the other group of subjects.  Finally, he recorded how many subjects in each group chose to be "tested" in a group setting and how many chose to be "tested" alone.  What was the independent variable in this study?

    C. Level of anxiety
  63. 64.  In an experiment, four groups of college students used different memorizing strategies to learn the material in one chapter of a textbook.  Then each group was given the same multiple-choice test on the material.  What was the dependent variable in this study?

    D. the students' performance on the test
  64. 65.  A psychologist wanted to see if people are more prone to seek the company of others when anxious than when calm.  He randomly assigned half of his subjects to an anxiety group and then told them that, as part of the study, they would receive electric shocks.  He did not frighten the other group of subjects.  Finally, he recorded how many subjects in each group chose to be "tested" in a group setting and how many chose to be "tested" alone.   What was the dependent variable in this study?

    C. preference for being alone or in a group
  65. 66.  A psychologist wanted to see if people are more prone to seek the company of others when anxious than when calm.  He randomly assigned half of his subjects to an anxiety group and then told them that, as part of the study, they would receive electric shocks.  He did not frighten the other group of subjects.  Finally, he recorded how many subjects in each group chose to be "tested" in a group setting and how many chose to be "tested" alone.  In this study, the group that was NOT frightened would be called the ____________ group.

    D. control
  66. 67.  The purpose of a control group in an experiment is to:

    A. serve as a check on the interpretation of results
  67. 68.  In an experiment, the group of subjects to which the experimental group is compared is called the:

    A. control group
  68. 69.  In an experiment concerning the effect of auditory feedback on accuracy in writing computer programs, one group hears a computer-simulated voice say each character or symbol that they type in as they are writing their programs.  The second group does not receive the auditory feedback as they type their program lines.  This second group is the ___________ group.

    B. control
  69. 70.  Why is it essential that the experimental and control groups be treated identically in every respect but one?  

    D. so that if the behavior of the two groups differs, that difference can be used to establish a functional relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
  70. 71.  In an experiment, a researcher manipulates one variable to see how it affects a second variable.  The manipulated variable is called the __________.

    C. independent variable
  71. 72.  In an experiment, a researcher manipulates one variable to see how it affects a second variable.  The second variable, which is observed for any possible effects, is called the __________.

    D. dependent variable
  72. 73.  To determine if sugar-rich diets affect hyperactivity in kids, a researcher prepared two daily menus that children would receive for a 30-day period.  A high-sugar diet was given to the boys, while the girls had a menu that seemed identical but was not a high sugar diet.  At the end of 30 days, the boys and girls were evaluated to determine their levels of hyperactivity.  In the study, the high-sugar diet is the _______.

    D. placebo
  73. 74.  An experiment was run in which group A was given 3 minutes to study a word list, while group B was given 10 minutes to study the same list.  Later, both groups were asked to recall words from the list.  In this study, the number of words recalled is the _______.

    B. dependent variable
  74. 75.  Dr. Welsh is doing experiments using drugs.  He is concerned that his subjects will respond to demand characteristics.  He may want to control for this by using which of the following?

    C. placebo
  75. 76.  Mr. Marshall hired June to collect data from a group of subjects.  Neither June nor the subjects were aware of the independent variable that Mr. Marshall had manipulated.  This is an example of _______.

    D. double-blind control
  76. 77.  Which of the following is NOT a strength of the experiment as a research method?

    B. experimental conditions usually seem realistic to subjects
  77. 78.  Almost all research done in psychology is analyzed ________.

    C. statistically
  78. 79.  Keeping responses anonymous helps researchers avoid the ethical problem of _______.

    C. invasion of privacy
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psy150 ch2 test questions review
test questions review for ch 2