psy150 ch1 test review

  1. 1.  Structuralism emphasizes __________. 

    D.  the basic units of experience and their combinations
  2. 2.  The first psychology laboratory was founded by __________. 

    D. wundt
  3. 3.  Freud was the founder of __________. 

    C. psychoanalysis 
  4. 4.  In the late 20th century, psychology __________.   

    A. expanded dramatically
  5. 5.  By general agreement, psychology was born in __________.   

    B. 1879
  6. 6.  Freud's theories differed radically from the views of his predecessors because of __________.  

    B. the emphasis it placed on unconscious processes 
  7. 7.  The first psychology laboratory was opened by

    C. Wundt
  8. 8.  Titchener was a member of the ___________school of thought.

    B. structuralists 
  9. 9.  Freud believed that many unconscious desires are:

    A. sexual in nature
  10. 10.  As a science, psychology is approximately how old?

    D. 100+ years
  11. 11.  Modern psychology is said to have begun when:

    B. Wundt opened the first laboratory devoted to the scientific study of psychology
  12. 12.  The psychological school that asks, "What are mental processes for?" rather than "What are mental processes?" is which of the following?

    A. functionalism
  13. 13.  Which of the following does NOT fit with the other three?

    C. functionalism 
  14. 14.  Studying the elements of sensations, feelings, and images is most directly associated with which school of psychology?

    A. structuralism 
  15. 15.  The primary method of investigation used by structuralists was:

    C. analytic introspection 
  16. 16.  Psychology is said to have begun when 

    A.  Wilhelm Wundt started the first psychological laboratory and I am testing the roll-over to the next line feature.
  17. 17.  Scientific psychology is formally recognized to have begun:

    C. in Germany, with the work of Wundt
  18. 18.  .  The first psychology laboratory was opened by _________.

    B. Wundt
  19. 19.  For Freud, much of our behavior is controlled by __________.

    D. unconscious desires
  20. 20.  What early school of thought in psychology was noted for its emphasis on the unconscious determinants of behavior?

    A. Psychoanalytic theory
  21. 21.  Studying the elements of sensations, feelings, and images is most directly associated with which school of psychology?

    B. Structuralism
  22. 22.  Psychologists stopped relying on the method of analytic introspection as their primary research tool because:

    B. results were inconsistent across labs.
  23. 23.  A psychologist bases his/her theories completely on measuring observable behaviors.  This psychologist is probably a __________.

    A. behaviorist
  24. 24.  Psychology:

    D. all of the above
  25. 25.  Cognitive psychology is contributing to the development of ________, which attempts to make computers learn and solve problems the way people do.

    A. artificial intelligence
  26. 26.  Cognitive psychologists are a subgroup of experimental psychologists who are concerned primarily with:

    C. mental events which intervene between stimuli and responses
  27. 27.  Cognitive psychologists are concerned with the scientific study of __________.

    A. mental processes 
  28. 28.  A group of psychologists study how adults change and grow, both psychologically and physiologically, as they age.  These psychologists are most like ___________.

    C. developmental psychologists
  29. 29.  After more than a year in Iranian prisons, 52 American hostages were released by Iran's revolutionary government and allowed to return to the United States.  Of the following professionals,__________ psychologists would probably have LEAST professional interest in that event.

    D. experimental
  30. 30.  Which of the following types of psychologists is most prepared to help a person who hears voices and believes she is Joan of Arc?

    A. clinical 
  31. 31.  Steve, a college sophomore, is seeing a psychologist because of his intense fear of people.  His counselor feels that Steve's fear is a product of unresolved conflicts about his parents, and his childhood experiences with them.  Steve's therapist is most characteristic of which school of psychology?

    D. psychoanalytic
  32. 32.  The work of a behavioral neuroscientist involves studying:

    D. the biological foundations of behavior 
  33. 33.  Which of the following assumptions associated with the psychoanalytic school produced the strongest negative reaction?

    D. all humans, including infants, have sexual motivations and drives
  34. 34.  Which of the following statements is TRUE?

    B.  A psychiatrist is a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of emotional disturbances.
  35. 35.  Psychologists use techniques based on ___________.

    C. the scientific method
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psy150 ch1 test review
test review for ch1